Who likes a good horror?

whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
edited May 2018 in Coffee lounge
Don't do it before bedtime. What was I thinking, or not as the case maybe!!
I do like a horror because it's fake, good acting, make up, camera angle, usually a good score.
My logical brain likes to watch it.

But I ended up watching a clip that led to another clip. Then I ended up with real life.  :o  That's when I got scared.

Jeez I felt for the poor guy! That's real life, that happens. My heart was racing on his behalf then I couldn't sleep. Serves me right.
Had I watched it on its own I would have done just that, watched. But I heightened my senses by watching horror clips first and.noit knowing what this was.

All I can say is, eyes wide open moment. 


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  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    I am the only female in the house and have frequently been subjected to horror films, I feel I am immune now. The ones that scare me are the real life ones when the murderer has not been caught and is still out there. Probably new ID and living next door to me lol
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    edited May 2018
    I used to love watching korean horror, most of it makes you use your imagination so you can scare yourself!! I fell asleep once watching the ring (asian version) and when i woke up my kids were watching it and how they even slept after i do not know.

    My TV broke a year ago so not been able to watch anything unless it's online, youtube has a lot of korean movies on it for free so i'm not missing anything so far.
  • fishingmum
    fishingmum Online Community Member Posts: 562 Empowering
    @feirI do own a tv but it is never on, I have to have one for hubby, he seems not to be able to live without lol. Online there are plenty of places to watch shows just google up new shows of whatever year you are interested in for other ideas. I don't think I have watched a horror from a different country to be honest, I dont like the ones from here lol
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Silly question on the non English horror.
    Is it subtitled or can you see what's going on and your brain is well ahead of the script anyway.
    I do hate predictive types. You know the lights don't work because every killer on the planet knows where the fuse box is!! Then the woman usually walks around saying hello. Eh call the cops and get out! 
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    @fishingmum my broadband provider blocks a lot of sites so i tend to stick to youtube as i cba to mess around with proxies. I don't like gore and noticed a lot of, but not all, western horror tends to focus more on scaring people with that so i prefer the korean that has no gore mostly and just puts ideas into your head that you can grow with your own imagination.

    Yes @whistles it is subtitled. You can tell what's going on easily enough by just watching the film, as they tend to be good facial actors with their expressions too, and the subtitles help explain the plot which mostly is someone died accidently in bad circumstances or was murdered and comes back to be acknowledged for that. I like plot twists also, the orphanage (2007) had a good one, this film is subtitled too but is spanish.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Plot twists yes. Another fan. 
    I liked shutter Island, The Others. I actually think that's a thriller now I wrote that.
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    Ooh yeah shutter island, that was good. I guessed the others plot twist so it didn't surprise me, wikipedia says it's a psychological thriller. I would say it's a horror also, it did have scary ghosts.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
    I cant watch gore type horrors! Thrillers yes! Who remembers hammer house of horror films?
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Gore is pointless to me. Just making use of the make up department.

    Just looked up similar films to and it came up with

    Source Code. Yes that was good.
    Gothika set in mh place wouldn't be everyone's taste.

    The Fountain
    Jacobs Ladder  

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    edited May 2018
    Anyone seen the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo trilogy?
    Or the  hollowman trilogy. Spoiler there if your only saw the first one!

    Can you tweak my title to include thrillers. 
    We have started included these now.
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Online Community Member Posts: 2,890 Championing
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    I had to watch the fountain a few times because i didn't get it, and then read the synopsis online as well because i still didn't get it, lol.

    I vaguely remember the hammer house of horror films @debbiedo49 watched some on youtube a while back as well, the ones with several stories in them because i culdn't focus on a long film.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    Won't bother with the Fountain then.

    There was a good film with a twist then started up conversations about the ending. Yes you guessed it, can't recall it. But bear with me because I reckon if I give google what I can remember it will come up with it. 

    Though it's latest offerings it definately is misunderstanding me! 
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    It's a good film if you like trippy effects and weirdness and getting confused. :disappointed:
    Try and remember that film because i'm interested now.
  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Online Community Member Posts: 416 Empowering
    Horror films make me chuckle.

    My real life is far more horrifying than anything an able-bodied writer can come up with.

    Already this year I've spent 7 weeks in hospital including 15 minutes of being clinically dead  :s

    Tomorrow terrifies me with what it might bring though.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    edited May 2018
    feir said:
    It's a good film if you like trippy effects and weirdness and getting confused. :disappointed:
    Try and remember that film because i'm interested now.
    Will do because I would watch it again. And others here wanted to we could discuss our interpretation.

    Source Code on the list above. Couldn't link it but knew I liked it.
  • feir
    feir Online Community Member Posts: 394 Empowering
    I've watched that a few times, the ending was scary and also quite sad but yeah it was a twist for sure and i wasn't expecting it. Story overall was really enjoyable too i thought. @whistles

    It's really cool how they based the 'time travel' element on going into the memory because for a while now (before that film even) i used to think that the only way we can travel through time is via memories, and we do this already just by thinking.about the past and recalling it. If we ever do find where memory is stored, and it's in the DNA like some scientists think it could be, then this brings up some very interesting possibilities of being able to retrieve that information so that we can 'travel' into our ancestors past maybe.
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,031 Championing
    The ending was good because the woman switched him off. 
    But did he die or did he carry on living in the parallel world? Because there was one, they were sending him into it.

    It made me feel a little like I live in a parallel world. My illness/ disability restricts me to the point where I am almost watching others live 'normal' lives. Whatever the term its, is subjective. 
    Going on the house, marriage and 2.4 children formula. Nope.
  • htlcy
    htlcy Online Community Member Posts: 127 Empowering
    I love the idea of horror films but my startle reflex doesn't cope well (thanks, cerebral palsy!)