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jude1967 Community member Posts: 65 Contributor
edited August 2018 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi ..I received a message in my journal today about the Sdp .they now saying they waiting for it to go back to parliament in the autumn..but I thought the Sdp was reinstated in June and I thought that was the end of it.why are we having to wait till parliament again in the autumn wen the universal credit Minster state that it's been reinstated in's very confusing that the minister is saying it been reinstated .as I am one these person that lost it ..but it's getting very confusing as are they reinstated it or has the government has done another in turn.. also wen I spoke to uc they said it because the high profile cases that was won and the compensation that was awarded .surely if they paid the people that lost it it in beginning that they should start paying back the money and the longer time goes on for us the more they be paying in back payment ..but their excuse now saying as they have to pay compensation.i would just be happy for it all to fall into place and the back payment that those of us are disable and received it would be glad that it been reinstated since June..then I have read reports they trying to scrap it .so I getting so many different things on it..the no that s was saying it been reinstated why is she back tracking now 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    It hasn't been approved as yet. When it is then DWP will have to go through all those the were previously claiming SDP and this will take quite some time. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait. I know it's frustrating but there's nothing you can do in the mean time.
  • jude1967
    jude1967 Community member Posts: 65 Contributor
    It's so much back tracking in the minister .putting out there really to say it's been reinstated and then it has to go back to parliament..why has it got to go back to parliament..if the minister said it been myself can.t understand it all..why do she even bother putting in the report that it is..for then to go back to parliament..why has it go to go there wen obviously they made a mess of universal credit..I understand why it went to court ..but I can.t understand why it's got to go parliament as all that will do is have all the parties vote or has a date been set for it to be set aside for it .as surely that way it will's seems dates are being move by this minister .she already lied in parliament and that made more news than wats really happening's been one thing after another with this universal credit..
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    I'm sorry but i can't answer your questions. Like everyone else you'll just have to wait. When they do start checking everyone then it will take some time to go through all those who were claiming SDP. It's certainly not something that's going to be done overnight.
  • jude1967
    jude1967 Community member Posts: 65 Contributor
    No problem 
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing

    I'm sorry you're having to wait for this. What's happened is that the regulations which would give you a transitional payment have been drafted, but not finalised. The consultation on those regulations closed on 20th August. The Social Security Advisory Committee should now be analysing the responses they were sent, and then they'll advise the government further. We are hoping for some improvements, partly because the proposed compensation isn't enough for some claimants. But I can't guarantee when the revised regulations will come in or when they will start paying people. As Poppy says it will take time for them to get in touch with everyone who has lost out.

    It might be worth contacting your MP, if you haven't already, just to keep raising the issue - that disabled people have lost money by moving to Universal Credit,  the Minister has committed to addressing this and that in the meantime, you are having to live with less income. It's causing distress and the longer it goes on, the more you lose out.
