thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
Hello every body Christmas has gone. Now your stuck for ideas . To get rid of the Turkey any left over. Any vegetables.  Christmas Pudding

These are my go to recipes very simple and easy.


You will need one stockpot.  Stock made from any vegetables left over plus stock cube. Or add any gravy add in.  Need a saucepan. Blender or Food processor. Sieve. Bowls. Serving spoons. Knives.
Turkey stripped from the carcass. Into bite sized pieces.  Or any Turkey left over.

From freezer any vegetables or use what you have. I use Carrots, Leeks or any roots diced up. Any Potatoes left over use them.

Spices Chilli Powder quarter teaspoon. or less.  Paprika 1tsp.  Herbs any thing like Thyme or Parsley dried  1tsp . Use fresh if you wish to.

Onions diced sliced.  or use Leeks.


Into a saucepan add left over vegetables.  Carrots, Brussel Sprouts. Whatever you have left over. Plus any gravy, stock cube touch of water. Bring to a simmer.   After about ten minutes may be bit more, taste and season if have to. Stock cubes have good seasoning in them. Then cool down slightly to a bowl.  To blender or food processor. Be careful hot liquids.

Use teal towels and not much in blender or food processor do it in batches.

Blitz. Sieve the stock into a bowl and careful here. Hot liquid. That is your soup stock made. Does keep well in zip bags or freezer tubs.  Label always with sticky labels. Date it as well.

To a stockpot any Onions .  Leeks with portion of soup stock plus left over vegetables. Add in Spices to taste and dried herbs.  Now add in left over Turkey warm through.

Let it simmer and serve after about twenty minutes. Time may need adjusting.  Add if you wish tinned pulses anything like Rice or Pasta have done that before.  Keeps well in the freezer or fridge.


All I do is fry this in a little butter with touch Cinnamon. Gentle heat warm through have this with Custard or Cream.

One other recipe I have is TURKEY CURRY..

Use the stock from the soup you have made. Add in ordinary Curry Powder. Every one has or make you own. Spice blend.  I would suggest one teaspoon Curry Powder. Adjust to your taste.

Use Onions any roots left over vegetables .

Soup Stock from the Perky Turkey Soup.

Curry Spices
Chilli Powder one quarter tsp or less adjust to your taste.
Ground Coriander, Cumin.. Cinnamon half tsp each.
Turmeric half teaspoon and Ground Ginger the same.
Paprika 1tsp. Garlic Powder 1tsp.
Tin Coconut milk. if you have it.  Might not use it all.

Add in shredded Turkey or diced .
Dried Coriander 1 tsp.


Make Curry sauce. As with soup stock when blended and sieved .

Add in Curry Powder or spice mix.

Stir in with Coconut Milk might not use it all adjust.  I did this the other week. I buy Turkey Thigh and use about half for a single person that is me.  Done this with left over veggies.

In a stockpot or saucepan add oil. Onions plus left over Turkey plus Curry Powder or spice blend. Plus any veggies left over.  Bring to a simmer.  Add in Coriander . After twenty minutes Adjust timings, took me twenty minutes to make this on my hob.  Serve.

Adjust now for taste too hot add more Coconut Milk.  No Coconut Milk touch lemon juice or Potatoes. They draw out the chilli .  If no Potatoes or lemon juice. Use Yoghurt to serve with.

Serve with Rice, Chickpeas or with Spinach and Potatoes.

Hope that helps any body. 


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  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Thank you. 
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Brilliant! We do a christmas dinner pie! 

    Chop up the veg and leftover meat and warm through in a frying pan with gravy or stock.  Put in an oven dish and cover either with mashed potato or ready rolled pastry. Brush with a beaten egg and put in the oven for around 30 minutes :)
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @April2018mom Thank you for replying.  Just thought add these helps every one. 

    Take care.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Sam_Scope Thanks for the recipe.  All helps every one.

    Knows every person who has left overs no idea what to do with any of them.

    Hate food waste.  I have heard that the Government going to introduce food waste caddies with the daily refuse.  We all have. Whether that will happen or not.

    Never in my mind ever .   Always thinking of what to do with left overs.  Have to budget, plan recipes so no waste or if I make too much .

    Freezer tubs or as I do . Easier zip or clip bags. From supermarkets or on line Amazon get a big selection. Small ones and extra large.

    Please take care.

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Last year I did a kind of Leftover Loaf - I layered up christmas dinner leftovers in a rectangular loaf tin with mashed potato and cheese inbetween each layer and then baked in the oven - when cooked, I sliced it and it was delicious with some chutney and bread :)
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited December 2018
    Hello @Sam_Scope I like that.  Sounds amazing. One aspect of my recipes have to tell you. Bit embarrassing for a chef. lol.  

    Have no oven bought a cooker from a certain store we all love to hate. Over priced and any way went bust. Oven and all I have is hob. Ceramic hob, no grill.

    So all the recipes have to be inventive due to lack of oven.   Using hob and nothing else.

    So add to that have techniques to speed up anything like kitchen equipment. Plus old fashioned cooking techniques like poaching, steaming using a boiling kettle.

    The next purchase new year cooker . Miss my tray bakes and simple one pots.  Tray bakes are so easy all your veg and meat together in one layer.

    Large or medium aluminium tray.

    Veggies underneath with Meat like Chicken Legs or Thighs drizzled with Olive oil and Lemon juice and herbs. Any do like dried and spices. Coat everything and slam into the oven.

    On moderate heat like 150 or 200 Celsius middle of the oven and leave it.  For a round thirty minutes or longer.  Check veggie's and Chicken. Clear juices. Done this Med style with Seabass and other fish just cut down the time.

    One pan not much  washing up. The bane of chefs. lol.


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