Will refusing to be examined affect my claim?

Melin Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected
edited February 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I had a pip assesment yesterday and waited for an hour to be seen as my appointment was delayed l have got OA at my back and knees and at my spine so l can't sit for a long time without pain l answered all the questions atos asked me but for the examination she said she can see l am in a lot of pain and l can refuse to be examined because of my pain but after the assessment l have noticed that l will maybe not be able to get a award because l have refused to be examined please can someone give me some advice 


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @melin

    Good Evening & Welcome ??

    It’s great to meet you today.

    Please please let me know if I can help/support you with anything????


  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @Melin welcome to the community! 

    I am not sure myself however members of our community will know and will be in contact with you soon. Please try not to worry :)
  • Melin
    Melin Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected
    Hi thankyou for your replies probably l just need to wait and see what's going to happen does anyone know how long it will take dwp to send me the decision ?
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    It can vary if there is a backlog of claims in your area.
  • stree
    stree Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    I doubt it will go against you. The HCP noticed you were in pain and decided that it was not in your interest to proceed with any test that may have caused you further pain.
    This is NOT the same as you refusing, which would go against you.
    Sounds like you had a decent assessor, I would not worry about it if I were you.
    Good luck with it all.
  • Melin
    Melin Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected
    Hi just a quick update just received a text from dwp saying they have got the written report from the ftf assessment they will write to me when they will made a decision. 
  • Willwill
    Willwill Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering
    hello Melin ,, I believe takesabout 8 weeks to decision
  • Lee123
    Lee123 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Contributor
    If they have your assessment you can ask them to send you a copy
    Also I was unable to do examination and I still won my tribunal and got standard daily and enhanced mobility so no it doesn't go against you 
  • Lee123
    Lee123 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Contributor
    And mine was a paper based hearing just so you know 
  • Bungalow
    Bungalow Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor
    I had a similar problem at my assessment , I refused to do certain movements and explained it would give me severe pain if I attempted them. They did put on my award unable to do a squat, lift right arm up. It didn't effect my claim for refusing to do them. It was laughable when she asked me to squat holding on with one hand on the table . My husband laughed and said think ill have to stand behind her she hasn't squatted for years :smile:
  • Melin
    Melin Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected
    Thankyou for all your replies l am just to nervous about waiting for another 6 weeks as l applied at october and still waiting hopefully not for long as it says on the text message l will hear from them in 6 weeks but hopefully fingers crossed. 
  • Bungalow
    Bungalow Online Community Member Posts: 43 Contributor
    Mine was completed in two weeks so it varies , hope your's is sooner :smile:
  • Melin
    Melin Online Community Member Posts: 85 Connected
    Hi update and confused called Dwp today to ask about my pip claim decision the adviser on phone said the decision has been made and a letter has been sent out he said he can't see the decision on the screen but it just says a new award has been made he told me to call back on monday got very confused 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Melin said:
    Hi update and confused called Dwp today to ask about my pip claim decision the adviser on phone said the decision has been made and a letter has been sent out he said he can't see the decision on the screen but it just says a new award has been made he told me to call back on monday got very confused 
    Once a decision's been made it can take 24 hours to transfer from one computer to another, until this is done they can't see the decision. You were advised correctly, ring back Monday any they'll be able to tell you what the decision is. Good luck.