Waiting esa

Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
Can anyone tell me how long they have waited after sending in ESA form in.Mine has been 4weeks and as if yet haven't heard anything.Thanjs


  • debsidoo
    debsidoo Online Community Member Posts: 325 Empowering
    Hi @Susie55
    if I were you I would give them a call and see if it has been received.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thanks I will find their number and give them a call
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi @Susie55 please keep us updated and if you have any questions do let us know.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Could you tell me where do I find ESA phone number.Thankyou
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Susie55, you can call ESA using the following:

    Telephone: 0800 169 0310
    Textphone: 0800 169 0314
    NGT text relay (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 169 0310
    Welsh language: 0800 328 1744
    Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
    Find out about call charges

    If you’re in Northern Ireland contact the ESA Centre.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Many thanks
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    I have just had phone call from my doctor's surgery I have to fill in a form as apparently ESA want my medical reports is this a normal thing as I've never had to do it before.I sent my ESA50 questionnaire back 28thFebruary I am on phone now waiting for them to answer me.Could anyone just put my mind at rest that this is what they do.As I say I've been on ESA for 11years and never had to do this Thanks
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It sounds like the health assessment providers have contacted your GP, it's rare for them to do this but it does happen. It's nothing to worry about but it's still possible you'll be sent for a face to face assessment because most people have them.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thankyou fro what I can gather from doctor's receptionist I think the form I've got to fill out is just stating that I give permission she said it's only a few questions now I know I've put the phone down on ESA been on phone for over half an hour but you've answered my question.Many thanks
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    When they do contact a GP they send them the ESA113 form, which is just a tick box form that your GP fills in. Here's a sample of this form.

  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thankyou very much so I suppose it hangs on what doctor's say but I can still but my points across can't I at face to face
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    No problem and yes you can.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    This is the thing looking at the form you sent me that gps have to fill ,i never see the same doctor at my surgery ,they are mainly locums,the doctor i used to see regularly which was back at the beginning of last year has finished so it makes me think which ever doctor has the form what he or she will have to say about me ,and never seen me in person :(
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Susie55, hopefully any of the doctors you've seen (including the locums) have filled in their notes sufficiently that whichever doctor receives the form will be able to fill in the form sufficiently. It's a shame you don't have a regular doctor at the moment, my local surgery is the same and it can be a pain going over things again and again!
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Exactly I've never had them wanting my medical records before  and it beggars belief that someone will be giving info to them and yet never met me I thought it's been a long time hearing back from ESA nearly 2months since I sent in form I will just have to wait for outcome and most probably I will have to have face to face yet again so I can put my points across to them?
  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    join the DWP, it's a club you join once and laugh while your a member and cry when your not, the funny side is, you couldn't make it up, the welfare state was meant to be in place to help people in need, like the NHS, while one most of the time still does, now the other is only there to catch you out, make life harder for you, or put you down after it's already kicked you once so yes when your at your lowest i mean, like now, the good news is, your not alone, the bad news it, it doesn't get much better than this, as a 20 year member of the above club, i'd say it's getting harder and much worse, each and every year, the hurdles change, your made to go through more hoops, and in the end, it matters not if you get worse or better, it's all down to looks on the day, by someone who gets a bonus to get you kicked off and rewards for seeing the most, your no longer a human, your now a number in the DWP, welcome to the club, be prepared for dark days, rainy days and long delays, then you won't be surprised, in all meetings make sure the're record it, you get a copy and never open your mouth, without first thinking what did i put of the form, as every question is there to trip you up, or get a fast answer, so don't fall for the oldest trick, how did you get here today? if you walked, your too fit, if you drove and more than X amount of time in the car, your too fit, if you went by bus, train or taxis, same rules apply.

    every innocent question is another point lost, as you maybe didn't understand it, but don't let me put you off, get help and support, wished i did, as been on my own for 20 years and now it's even starting to grind even me down, so CAB or websites like this one, and then know your rights, learn to say nothing or less is always better than more, or they will trip you up i'm sorry to say, good luck
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Susie55 said:
    Exactly I've never had them wanting my medical records before  and it beggars belief that someone will be giving info to them and yet never met me I thought it's been a long time hearing back from ESA nearly 2months since I sent in form I will just have to wait for outcome and most probably I will have to have face to face yet again so I can put my points across to them?
    2 months really isn't that long, some are waiting a lot longer than that. It really does depend on the backlog in your area. When they contact your GP they don't actually ask for medical records, they send them a form, which is a tick box as i previously advised. This form will them be filled out by the GP.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Yes sorry I mixed up I looked at the thread you sent me and it's more or less a tick box they have to do.Just got to hope that whoever fills it in has read my history on computer.I read up yesterday that if doctor who fills out form hasn't seen me which is more than likely they shouldn't answer questions .Is that right or not I wonder.This is not doing my health much good I've been 12years on benefits before I had I'll health I always worked but all of us at the end of the day are just a number to them.?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Most GPs very rarely know how were are affected by our conditions anyway. Try not to worry too much about it (easier said than done, i know) once they receive the form back, if they still don't have enough of evidence to do a paper based assessment then they'll send you for a face to face assessment.
  • Susie55
    Susie55 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thankyou for your reply?