Waiting for tribunal date

naz786 Community member Posts: 62 Connected
edited May 2020 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi just need some information on pip tribunal still waiting on date is everything done on telephone now or are they still doing face to face 


  • naz786
    naz786 Community member Posts: 62 Connected
    About 5 weeks ive been waiting for date 
  • naz786
    naz786 Community member Posts: 62 Connected
    Just need to know are they doing phone interviews 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,455 Championing
    Hi @naz786 - Currently most PIP tribunals will be by phone, but, as woodbine has already mentioned, previously people have been waiting about a year for a tribunal. I'm sure we all hope that things are back to 'normal' by then. :)
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @naz786   Thank you for your post.

    Please can inform you everything done by phone appeals.

    Please try not to worry have lots on our website.

    Please if I can help with anything further please ask.

  • feir
    feir Community member Posts: 395 Empowering
    I waited 21 months for mine. Not srue how the process works, maybe there are more people waiting on appeals in this area?
  • naz786
    naz786 Community member Posts: 62 Connected
    Was you successful feir how was it did you receive a letter first to say when your phone appeal is 
  • feir
    feir Community member Posts: 395 Empowering
    naz786 said:
    Was you successful feir how was it did you receive a letter first to say when your phone appeal is 

    Sort of won it. I won my case for self care despite hobbling out of the tribunal because the GP was shouting at me and the judge was making snidey comments. Both implied i was lying about my condition and the GP outright came out with this accusation eventually. Only the nurse was supportive during the tribunal but i still couldn't cope so left early.

    Luckily i had sent them plenty of medical evidence so they used that to make the final decision and it gave me more points. I still get no help with mobility despite this being my main issue, i got 4 points for that so it is acknowledged just that isn't enough to entitle me to any mobility help.

    One benefit of being awarded help for self care meant that occupational therapy came out straight away to see me and have given me mobility aids around my home. I have had my mental health therapist ask a few times in the past few years for them to come out to me and they never did until after i won my case.

    I went face to face so no phone call was needed. I was going to do over the phone but they ignored my request for that for some reason. I did get a letter telling me when it is, i'm also signed up for texts so i got one of those too (i do recommend you sign up for texts from any government services as they are handy and easy to find lol).
  • neuromum4
    neuromum4 Community member Posts: 71 Empowering
    It's all so scary. It's hard enough being ill and then even with all medical evidence etc you have to fight and prove how your health/disability affects you.
    I was suppose to have my tribunal on 1st April, that's 14 months after original claim. It's been cancelled. They sent a tex saying they would contact me when they have a telephone tribunal arranged for me.
    I would rather wait and go in person with my representative.
    I hope you get a date sooner rather than later but sometimes the wait can be long.
  • DrMeredithGrey
    DrMeredithGrey Community member Posts: 11 Connected
    @neuromum4 If you are planning to attend with your representative, ensure and double check that they have your representatives name and contact details down, amd that your representative will be attending with you. I had my hearing via telephone conference call during the pandemic (face to face was cancelled due to Covid-19) and somehow my representative's details were not with the panel, so I had to give them my representative's contact number to add him into the conference call before we proceeded any further. 
  • neuromum4
    neuromum4 Community member Posts: 71 Empowering
    Thanks  @DrMeredithGrey.