Should I apply for PIP?

Arsenal22 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
edited October 2020 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hello everyone
New to this page, I would like to ask,
 I'm claiming Universal Credit, and I'm off sick from work, I have had my health assessment over the phone interview and was told by the decision maker that, I have limited capability for work and work related activity.
Should I apply for PIP and if I do would I be able to do limited hours of paid work and not have my benefits affected.
I've not claimed before so I not too sure what to do.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    HI and welcome,

    That's great news! Now you have been awarded LCWRA this means that you don't have to look for work or attend any appointments.

    It also means that you'll have a work allowance with your UC. If you're claiming the housing element your work allowance will be £292 per month. If you're not claiming the housing element your work allowance will be £512 per month. This means you can earn that amount of money each assessment period before the 63% deductions apply.

    You will also be entitled to an extra £341 per month from the 4th month of your claim starting from when you sent your first fit note.

    You can start a claim for PIP if you think you qualify but it's nothing to do with your LCWRA decision. PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect your ability to carry out daily activity based on the PIP descriptors. A successful claim can potentially take several months, maybe longer.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome good news about your LCWRA and hope the info given helps so you can decide about PIP 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Arsenal22 - welcome to the community. I hope you find the advice Poppy has given about PIP helpful, & do come back if you have any further questions about it. :)
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Arsenal22, great to have you with us. :)
  • Arsenal22
    Arsenal22 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.
    And thank you Poppy123456 for you advice, I'm still a little confused about what I can do work wise.
    If I'm claiming housing benefit and Universal Credit and have LCWRA dose that mean I can also work and earn up to £292 without if effecting my housing or UC.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Arsenal22 said:
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.
    And thank you Poppy123456 for you advice, I'm still a little confused about what I can do work wise.
    If I'm claiming housing benefit and Universal Credit and have LCWRA dose that mean I can also work and earn up to £292 without if effecting my housing or UC.

    When you say housing benefit, i'm assuming you mean the housing element of UC? They are 2 different benefits.

    Yes, earnings received each assessment period that are less then £292 means there will be no deductions in your UC. If you earn more than this then your UC will reduce by 63% for every £1 over £292.

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Arsenal22 :) I'm glad you've already been able to get some useful advice here. How are you getting on today?