I won my tribunal for LCW. What does it mean for it to have been remitted to the sec of state?

kengod Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited February 2021 in Universal Credit (UC)
I won my tribunal on the 21st January 2021. This is for limited capability for work. Was told that it has been remitted to the secretary of state can anyone tell me what this means also I have been waiting nearly 5 weeks and have not heard anything from anyone 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @kengod
    It's my understanding (although this isn't my area of expertise) that this means that the tribunal have awarded you LCW, however it's up to the secretary of state to decide actual entitlement. For example if you have savings making you ineligible, a working partner etc. So the decision is remitted to the secretary of state to award the benefit and work out any payments owed.

    If this is for Universal Credit have you tried speaking to your Case Manager to see if the decision has been passed over to them yet?
  • kengod
    kengod Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Messaged on my journal the 3rd of feb and still nothing. I called last week and was told nothing on there yet. Will call again today to see if any updates