Doctors call tomorrow. Work capability assessment. Help!

Anomalous123 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
I messaged my doctors through an online service last night and was told that I would receive a phone call from my doctor tomorrow. I have difficulty with my verbal communication and feel that I will be unable to put my point across. I'm really anxious about the phone call in general and don't want to mess up my chances of getting a fit note. I'm in college (full-time student) and this is the only way to claim due to the new rules.

If anyone has any advice or has any clue what questions they may ask me, that would be very much appreciated. I have autism, anxiety and acute depression. I'm hoping my pip award and formal diganoisis can answer some of the questions for me 


  • Luna51
    Luna51 Online Community Member Posts: 297 Empowering
    Please try not to worry.
    Firstly and most importantly, explain to the Doctor at the start of your phone call that you have a diagnosis of Autism, are feeling anxious (if you are) and also due to your difficulty with verbal communication, you may need extra time to process and answer questions reliably.
    From my own experience (for my daughter) the doctor will just want know the simple reasons why you cannot work - so basically all the things you have already mentioned, that your Autism/Anxiety/Depression have an impact upon your ability to work. The GP is there to help, work with you and support you.
    You will be fine ☺ 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    As above make notes,  however is your doctor not aware of your conditions ? They should know already and adjust the call accordingly 

    Try not to worry a call to your gp should not cause any issues for you to be worried about 
  • Anomalous123
    Anomalous123 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    @Luna51 Thank you for the advice. He knows but they don't really check records for some reason. I wished for my representative to be there but j think she is busy. I'm hoping I don't freeze up in the call. ?

    @woodbine It's mostly getting it out. I wish consultations can be done by email, would he so much easier. 

    @janer1967 Sadly, he dosen't seem to take me seriously. The only reason he listened last time was because my representative was present and even after that he needed to be promoted on a regular basis to do anything after the appointment. ?
  • Anomalous123
    Anomalous123 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected

    Doctor called this morning anf was totally unprepared. I froze up and couldn't answer him properly. I stumbled over my words and he said that he couldn't understand me and that he'll bring me back at 2. Still couldn't find anyone who will help me with it.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Sorry the call didn't go well hopefully it will be more successful this afternoon 
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    edited April 2021
    Hi @Anomalous123

    I'm sorry this morning didn't go too well but we can make this afternoon better together.  Now you know what time the GP will ring you back, you can be prepared.  Possibly get together some notes of important things you want to cover and practice saying them out loud - either to yourself, a pet or a family member.  It might also be useful to think of questions the GP could ask in return, i.e. what are your symptoms, how long have you been feeling like this and how is it affecting you in your daily life and at college.  Also, consider having a calendar to hand showing any dates you won't be able to do for a follow up appointment.  

    Above all, don't put too much pressure on yourself.  Doctors will be aware that many patients don't like talking on phones or experience difficulties with it, and their job is to make it easier for you.

    Good luck and please let us know how you get on.  
  • Anomalous123
    Anomalous123 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I have a face-to-face appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, they can conduct a Work Capability Assessment while I'm there. That was the main point, but my doctor loves to waste my time, so it's gamble.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    I have a face-to-face appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, they can conduct a Work Capability Assessment while I'm there. That was the main point, but my doctor loves to waste my time, so it's gamble.
    Face to face appointment with who? Your GP cannot carry out a WCA. The WCA is carried out by a health assessor appointed on behalf of DWP.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @Anomalous123

    Good luck with your doctors appointment.  As @calcotti advised, the WCA wouldn't be carried out by your GP but an approved healthcare professional, on behalf of the DWP.  Have you already submitted an ESA50 form?  Here's a Scope webpage that outlines some more info about WCA's.  

    Please let us know how you get on :) 
  • Anomalous123
    Anomalous123 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    I got a got note from my doctor saying that I can't work due to a lack of capability to do so. There is no way to upload this onto the my universal credit account, but it has been approved by my work coach? 

    Regardless, they said that my decision was going to be done on the 18th and they will tell me how much I am entitled to. Does that mean I passed, or can they still turn me down?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    It means they haven't made a decision yet