Universal credit reduction advise. My partner works away a lot- is there anything we can do?

Deman2k Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2021 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi I receive UC due to disabilities. 

During the summer months my partner works away from home, and she can be away for 5 or 6 months.

While she's working our benefit is reduced, which I understand, however I think we're getting penalised to harshly, as our costs drastically increase as we technically live at two different addresses (only while she works). So we pay 2 lots of rent, food and bills.

I realise this is a bizarre situation, but is there anything that we can do, may be request a tax rebate on her pay check to help with lessening the additional living costs? 




  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @Deman2k, Hello and welcome, I don’t think you can. Have you written on your journal your situation and explained your circumstances asking for advice. I know Universal Credit is a had and fast criteria for claiming and the deductions are rigorously applied. When I applied even thou I was medically retired I still have to agree to look for work, agree to travel for 90 minutes and work for the minimum wage all this when talking to the agent and informed her I retired the very next day drawing my state pension. There was nothing in the system to allow for people in my situation. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Listener
    If it was longer than 6 months you could look into the Temporary Absence guidance on whether it should be treated as a single claim @Deman2k.

    Temporary absence
    E2030 A person who is living away from their partner ceases to be treated as a member of a couple and part of the same benefit unit where they are
    1. absent from the household or
    2. expected to be absent from the household for 6 months1 or more. Note: Different rules apply where that temporary absence is from GB (see ADM Chapter E1) 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Listener
    Thanks @chiarieds, I'll try and remember to share the source in future too! :)