PIP 2022



  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited January 2023
    sanam13 said:
    ...the gentlman i spoke to said its not on the system although it must be recived as it was recoredred so they cant say it got lost and he also said to call back after a week for an update ..
    It is recorded as received by the mailing sorting office that receives DWP mail. It isn't actually received by DWP until the sorting office has scanned the correspondence and uploaded it onto the composer system where DWP can see it.

    If the MR has been decided and you have the MR Decision Notice you can appeal to the tribunal service. However based on what you've been told it's probably worth ringing again in another week to 10 days.
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @calcotti i will call in a week to see what they say..i have recived the decision letter today which is dated 6th of jan 2023 and i posted evidence on the 4rth of january 2023 so no way they saw the doctors letter as it wouldnt have even been scanned in 1 day
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing
    sanam13 said:
    @calcotti i will call in a week to see what they say..i have recived the decision letter today which is dated 6th of jan 2023 and i posted evidence on the 4rth of january 2023 so no way they saw the doctors letter as it wouldnt have even been scanned in 1 day

    As you now have the decision letter you can go ahead and request the Tribunal. If DWP do change their mind and offer an award and you accept it the appeal will just lapse anyway. If you're still not happy with any offer you can accept it and then reapply for the Tribunal.
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @poppy123456 i am in process of tribunal now putting in the appeal hopefully all goes well and thank u for your advices 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Wishing you the best of luck with the appeal @sanam13. How are you feeling about it all at the moment?

    Please feel free to let us know how it goes and if we can do anything else to support you. We are all here for you and listening to you  :)
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @L_volunteer very nervous but determined to fight for my rights 
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    Hey everyone new update got a call this morning and it was a case manager asking me why i felt they should look at the MR again so i explained about sending the gp letter late which was recived on the 5th of jan 2023 and that too by mailing office not dwp  so they should look at it again he totally disregarded it saying it could have been looked at as it says in your MR gp letter was looked at so go ahead an appeal but we not chsnging our decision 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing
    There's more chance of a decision in your favour at Tribunal stage.
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @poppy123456 im awaiting an mp support letter then im outting it up do u know roughly what is the waiting time for tribunal and u said before dwp contact u somtimes with an offer roughly how long after putting in for an appeal does this hapoen if it does?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing
    Does your local MP know anything about your health conditions and how they affect you?
    When you request the Tribunal HMCTS will then give DWP a timescale in which they need to respond by. They often don't respond by that timescale but before they do respond they will review everything. Please don't expect them to offer an award before the hearing because it's rare they do this.
    Your hearing date could be several months, possibly longer.
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @poppy123456 yes i have spoke to the mp before in regards to this and they asked me to forward the medical letter and detsils saying they will write supporting letter.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing
    sanam13 said:
    @poppy123456 yes i have spoke to the mp before in regards to this and they asked me to forward the medical letter and detsils saying they will write supporting letter.

    I can't see what help that would be unless your MP knows exactly how your conditions affect you. They can only confirm what your GP has already said. MPs, GPs don't spend any time with you to see how you prepare a meal, wash, dress, undress, make budgeting decisions ete etc.

    What you should do is concentrate on giving a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you, if you haven't already. Include detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @poppy123456 oh ok so my sister helps with washing and bathing she has to come by 2 times a week as i have had cuts and scalds when i did myself..my sons rely on take outs as i can not stand long enough to prepare a meal and have had black outs a few times he has stements to proof how much they order out..are these good enough examples and could i ask my sister and son to write letters as they spend most of the time with me?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,312 Championing
    sanam13 said:
    @poppy123456 oh ok so my sister helps with washing and bathing she has to come by 2 times a week as i have had cuts and scalds when i did myself..my sons rely on take outs as i can not stand long enough to prepare a meal and have had black outs a few times he has stements to proof how much they order out..are these good enough examples and could i ask my sister and son to write letters as they spend most of the time with me?

    You will need to give more information than that. Having takeaways is not proof you're unable to prepare a meal.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    You will need to give more information than that. Having takeaways is not proof you're unable to prepare a meal.
    Completely agree. OP, you need to explain the difficulties you experience. What happens when you stand? Why can’t you prepare food sitting down? Give examples of falling. Do you have any warning before you black out? Etc
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    I do ive had to get ambulance out several times just when ive got up to go bathroom or even a few times when i tried to cook somthing my heart stsrted pounding and i fell to the ground with abnormal heart beat in bathroom, few times while trying to cook 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    That sounds really difficult for you @sanam13 :( How have you been managing recently - have you got any support in place?
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    @L_volunteer just my family and medication im always home in my bed i do not even get out of my bedroom 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Family and medication sound really helpful @sanam13. However, it sounds difficult that you are always home in your bed and do not even get out of your bedroom  :(
  • sanam13
    sanam13 Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    Hey all update i have a tribunal date in a months time fairly quick tbh..im going f2f but im a nervous wreck planning to take my son with me who does everything for me fingers crossed i get the right outcome