So frustrated & dont know what to do..

Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
edited March 2022 in Benefits and income

this is more of a rant, that i need to get out, seeking help from those who must undersrtand the frustrations of activities that sighted people do without difficulty.

backstory to this started when i went for dental treatment, claimed i was entitled to tax credits exemption (believed i was!!) and was fined because i signed the paperwork, im fighting this anyway but taking more care when dealing with the backstabbing NHS "one size fits all" approach, that paperwork does not come in large print or a digital copy im told, so i couldnt use my magnifier to enhance it!!

fast forward to today, prescription time, i now have a prepaid prescription card. 

i cant read the back of the prescription form, where i have to declare my reason for not paying and putting my scribble on the dotted line. i walked away with no prescription. but ive already been burned by this, and the stress of that is over whelming, them letters are so frightening to someone with amxiety issues.

so my question is, what can i do? i cant read these forms and i have no one i can go with to ensure im doing the right thing. but ultimately, i need the treatment. see my dilemma? 

i feel so overwhelmed, so scared of doing the wrong thing and getting another fine, and mainly why do i have to have this battle?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    When collecting your prescriptions ask the pharmacy to help you when ticking the box on the back. I'm sure they won't mind doing that.
    In my pharmacy because of Covid they don't give you the prescription, they ask you what your exemption is and they tick it for you.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I am too partially.sighted and find most places like pharmacy , GP , hospital are very helpful if you ask for assistance 

    For other help.with forms.and stuff if you contact the sensory team of your local council they will suggest where could help.

  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    hi both!

    ive always found them to be helpful in the past, the recent thing is what did me though, i signed my name which instantly meant i was liable for the fine and had commited fraud, it was a genuine mistake that everyone could have made. NHS business have told me my signature is there, there is nothing i can do.

    this is why i am concerned about putting my signature on the prescription one, mine still hands them over. 
    up until this, ive always just trusted their professionalism and have found them to be great in terms of doing the right thing. my trust is broken now.

    why dont they provide large print? and if i did tick the wrong thing, what would happen? i dont even know what some of those boxes are for!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    backstory to this started when i went for dental treatment, claimed i was entitled to tax credits exemption (believed i was!!) and was fined because i signed the paperwork,
    If you didn't have a tax credits exemption and you signed saying you did then the fine is surely correct? What other exemption would qualify you for dental treatment?
    I've never had a problem with my pharmacy ticking the box and signing for myself and my daughter. All you can do is ask for assistance and i'm sure they will be only too happy to help.
    If the wrong box is ticked then a fine may occur.

  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    it was the day after my exemption certificate had ran out and my income is the same, so i just assumed it was a delay in sending the new certificate.. literally one day!
    i believed the form to state something along the lines of "exemption certificate or you are entitled to one" i told this to the woman on the phone and she just said it doesnt say that anymore and its my own fault for not reading before i signed.. 
  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    i really believed i was entitled to one, as im not, i will pay for the treatment. what im not happy about is being fined for a mistake, they happen every day and it was not malisicious and intended. there should be leeway in my opinion.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If you were still entitled to the tax credit exemption you would have been sent a new one before the existing one expired. If you didn't receive it then this is normally because your circumstances have changed and you no longer meet the qualifying conditions. 

  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    i know this now, but like i stated it was a real mistake, i didnt realise. 
    the fact there is no leeway and to be told its my own fault, i should have read the form. 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    Sorry to jump on board but wanted to ask @Username_removed something. 

    Would that link apply to all NHS settings? 

    A family member of mine is visually impaired and registered partially sighted. The hospital always send standard appointment letters and copies of letters to GPs and this is the hospital that completed the CVI. 

    So they have the right to request RA for increased font size under that standard? 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    Thanks @Username_removed so just a follow up. Would it be best to do it at the next appointment verbally or with a letter? Or maybe both? Then every time a letter comes not in large print they can be reminded about the original request? 
  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    I think a letter would be best, they can add it to your file.... But that doesn't mean they will read it and take note of it.. Letters from the eye clinic are the amusement for me, they never do large print! 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    Anyone know of any template letters to use to ask for the RA in terms of communication in a accessible format? 
  • Gadget9616
    Gadget9616 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    thanks guys for your help.

    just to give you an update, it actually turns out that the treatment in question was in fact under 12 month warranty so i shouldnt have ever been issued with a fine, this has been cancelled. 

    And i have written out an email/letter template of the large print request, delievered to all companies im dealing with, including the records department of the NHS.