PIP tribunal won, but DWP not notified after a month, who do I contact?

Applecrayon Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2022 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

I won my tribunal appeal in February, and called the DWP today as it had been over 4 weeks since I got my decision letter from the Tribunal, but was told they have not received anything from the tribunal. I was told I should contact them to see what's happening, so I thanked the DWP person on the phone and went off to contact them. However, I can't figure out who to actually contact. I've got multiple different contact details for multiple departments all involved in the tribunal process. Should I use the number on the decision letter? The number on the website where I lodged the appeal? The court that held the tribunal itself? 

Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice would be appreciated! 


  • AndrewHall
    AndrewHall Online Community Member Posts: 301 Empowering
    First, Big Congratulations on your win.

    Forward the Tribunal decision letter to the DWP yourself and ask for the decision to be actioned immediately. 

  • ShirleyW
    ShirleyW Online Community Member Posts: 353 Empowering
    Don't send the original letter.  Take a copy of it and send the copy to DWP.