Hi, my name is Janette11Janette! My husband and I signed on to UC in Feb 2019
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My Husband and I signed on to UC 4th Feb 2019. He is disabled we showed them all relevant papers and were told you're first payment will be 6 weeks later and it was. We was not asked anything for 3 years. Then in March 2022 we were asked to go for an interview which we did, we were told by Brad you should have been asked for fit notes and had appointments to see a work coach at the job centre. We were totally ignored for 3 years. Brad told us that we should have been told about LWCRA and we would have to apply and he also said if you can obtain a fit note from Feb 2019 then you would be entitled to substantial back pay. After seeing GP we got hold of the fit note from Feb 2019 and subsequent ones, we applied for the LWCRA got it and was told by them that the award was given in March this year and it cannot go back to 2019 we are now fighting for this back pay because if we were asked in 2019 for fit notes we would have got them and if appointments were made we would have gone to them. He got full LWCRA because of Chronic COPD which he had in 2019 so we would have got it. Anybody have any ideas on this please.
In my opinion, the first adviser who said you get the LCWRA backdated if you provided a backdated Fit Note was incorrect.
You may however have grounds for a complaint with a request for compensation on the grounds that you should, when you first claimed been told to get Fit Notes etc.
Are there messages in your UC journal from 2019 that reference the health situation?0 -
No not at all we were not asked anything for 3 years totally ignored0
When you first claimed UC it would have asked if you have a health condition, what did your husband put for that? If the health condition was declared then it would have asked him to provide a fit note.0
We showed all relevant papers including pip which he gets my husband has many health conditions and we told them all of them0
We was never asked for fit note or an appointment With work coach for 3 years we were ignored0
What i'm saying is, that when you first claimed UC it would have asked you if you have a health condition, if your husband ticked yes then that would have prompted it to ask for a fit note.You can certainly do what calcotti advised and put in a complaint.0
When we first went to claim UC we told the advisor he was disabled and told them he has many illnesses it was the advisors who didn’t record the info properly and that’s why we were ignored for 3 years0
Also we went to the job centre it was not done on line0
I would like advice on this problem as we are owed quite a lot of back dated LWRCA, its the Job centre's fault that we fell through the net. If we were asked for fit notes back in 2019 we would have got them, (we wasn't asked) if we was given an appointment for job search from work coach we would have gone (again we wasn't asked) please if anybody can advise please do
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You were given advice twice yesterday to make a complaint about not being given the correct advice when you started your claim.Are there any messages on your journal saying anything at all about his health condition? If there is then take some screenshots and send those. You can do that here.https://makeacomplaint.dwp.gov.uk/
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No there has been no messages for 3 years nothing until March 2022 when we was picked up by job centre0
If there's no evidence of ever mentioning his health condition then i'm not sure whether that will go against you.I was going to advise you to look back through his journal right to the start of the claim to see what it says but I've looked back on my daughters journal to see what it says when i first claimed. I can see it says "health completed" but i can't click on it to see if there's any other information. I did of course report her health condition and provide the fit note. I don't know if "health completed" means a health condition was reported.All you can do at this stage is put the complaint in.0
What did your husband’s Claimant Commitment say when he first claimed?0
There was 2 ladies interviewing us I had to give iD which they photographed and bank details what we had in savings and pip papers they said nothing more than ok this is the amount you will get and it will be in six weeks that is it0
Janette11Janette said:There was 2 ladies interviewing us I had to give iD which they photographed and bank details what we had in savings and pip papers they said nothing more than ok this is the amount you will get and it will be in six weeks that is itPIP has nothing to do with the work capability assessment so i'm confused why you had to show that. They wouldn't have known how much exactly you would have been entitled to until your statement was produced.Can i just ask one thing, if his PIP includes the daily living part and you care for him for at least 35 hours per week, does your UC include the carers element?0
You haven’t answered the question I asked earliercalcotti said:What did your husband’s Claimant Commitment say when he first claimed?0
We just told them we were getting PIP although they did not need to know we were open with everything. On their computer they told us what we would get after the 6 weeks they said no more about work commitments or anything like that, this is why our claim is a shamble this is why I am saying we have been ignored for 3 years, and we have been paid as a disabled person and I am his carer he gets middle rate care.0
Of course we have an on line journal and it’s totally empty from Feb 2019 to March 2022 nothing was sent to us and we asked nothing it wasn’t until March 2020 that they even asked for fit notes as mentioned we have got it back dated to Feb 20190
Thank you for your help, we have put in for a reconsideration and I suppose we will have to wait months and months0
2-12 weeks is the timescale for MR.0