couldn't find single guys in real life, so I started using dating websites instead?

Katiedimelow20 Online Community Member Posts: 149 Connected
Large to medium in size is my town. My hometown produced several of my ex-boyfriends, while others I met in college were from far-off towns or places. College was the worst place to date, thus none of my relationships there lasted. As a result, there were splits. I tried going to group social gatherings and then tried online dating because I couldn't find any single guys who shared my interests. I frequently encountered guys who were courting. I don't attend many social events where persons with learning disabilities can attend because I have a learning disability. Other times, there was a mixture of men who were not learning disabled.I attempted online dating since I couldn't locate any single men in real life or who shared my interests. One man from a disabled dating site recommended trying Facebook dating in the online dating that I received. I was struck and miss. I got a match, but one of them rudely rejected me. However, match led me to another guy who started texting me and requested my snapchat.