The Green Paper Discussion (the document link is here too!)



  • sparrow77
    sparrow77 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Empowering

    Yes I have the same C5/6 C6/7

    The chiari journey started last year and has been a difficult one im still having various tests . My tonsils are 4mm but it doesn't matter how low they are tbh the symptoms can be severe at just 4mm like mine. I honestly thought I had a brain tumour and wasn't taken seriously atall. Just had second MRI and they are now also saying intercranial hypertension 🤷🏻‍♀️. Yes the chiari does affect vision aswell as a whole host of other things ,I get numb toes ,tingling , dizziness , tiredness , vision changes , not to mention a pain in my head like a train has hit me .you also get neck pain which coupled with spondylosis is a horror too. one thing I will advise is don't give up on getting a diagnosis,if you feel something isn't right or they try and play something down that is concerning you seek a second opinion. I changed hospital as I wasn't happy with first

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    How bloody dare they! I’m going to raise this point later but just to say IT REALLY MATTERS WHO YOU GET.. in terms of any assessment, checking UC or PIP check their demeanour/ how they speak to you? -also GP/ Health Professionals. Some people are empathetic and on side, others hard wired to catch out others. They become part of the work culture they are experiencing. At times that’s great, other times a detriment to the disabled.

    I personally record everything and tell them that. My GP surgery very mixed. Head of practise arch Tory plus practice nurse who is a fascist, husband is a reform party member. She tends to sit on referrals? I always ask to see my long term doctor.. plus keep and back up everything. All communication re health and from DWP. It’s sad to be so untrusting but I’ve learned through experience.

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    Presumably your leukaemia symptoms or treatments must have some impact on your daily living and or mobility in some way which would make you eligible to claim pip. Have you not tried to claim pip? Even severe fatigue or stress symptoms from having all this impact your ability to function?

  • barton85
    barton85 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    I’ve applied on two different occasions and both times ended up with zero points

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    IIf at least one of the activities under duly living scored 4 points then when you are due a reassessment you will continue to receive dailing living pip. Mobility isn't affected. If your condition was considered severe enough you may not even need a review for a long time and nothing will change without a review anyway as far as I understand this .

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    Good for him.. like Neil Findlay. Will the one in Dudley cue a by election?

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,735 Empowering

    Hi @rach_90

    So sorry to hear you are feeling like this and it's understandable why you're feeling incredibly hopeless and scared right now.

    It's important to remember that your feelings are valid, and you're not alone in experiencing this.

    We have popped over an email for you so please keep an eye out

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 160 Empowering

    Tbh Vulcress i shouldn't be worried because I've done nothing wrong ....but I do transfer money to my parents or they transfer to me if we borrow from eac other or pay back,, or if they want me to order something online for them etc.

    I've been trying to label every transaction and getting them to do the same when they transfer to me.

    I've only recently been migrated over to uc, so I am stressing over these bank checks, which is silly really, but I buy a lot of my ,medical needs on amazon or ebay.

    I'm gobsmacked they would question an ebay transaction.....are we not allowed to spend our pittance where we like ?

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    I agree this really is terrible especially as the scoring is quite subjective among assessors. I scored 4 in one activity but strangely for a category where I need the most help I only got 1 out of 8 as clearly they didn't comprehend the issue I have. At the time since my overall score enabled an enhanced award I didn't raise the matter of the activity concerning need for help with medication and treatments as being underscored so as to avoid further stressful interaction about my pip. Now that there is ths minimum 4 points on one daily living activity I can see how situations like I experienced with incorrect scoring will come back to bite unfortunate people so unfairly. If I hadn't 4 points in one activity I would now be planning to request a reassessment of the activity I knew was underscored at next review .the whole thing is totally unfair as the scoring is inaccurate and inconsistent. At least for the moment this hasn't been passed into law yet, nothing will happen until nov 2026. If your condition was considered severe enough to only need a light touch review in 10 years or you are not due for review anyway for ages then your pip should not be at risk anyway until that point from what I understand and then that point which could be years away, you should have the opportunity to present your daily living needs more persuasively ware of the new 4 point minimum appeal if necessary.. hopefully this may therefore not affect you for ages or at all.

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    Did you appeal? I had to appeal for DLA before pip came in and I won.

  • barton85
    barton85 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    no didn’t appeal I applied once pip then when it changed to adp in Scotland re applied but still no luck

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    I was wondering the same for legacy old CB ESA which I receive as nothing was said about that either.

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    If you are talking about pip it is not awarded based on what disease or condition you have whatsoever. It is only based on the impact of your condition on your mobility and daily living. It le purely a functional benefit, nothing to do with tour diagnosis whether for existing or new pip claimant. Didnt you know that ? Are you receiving pip?

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    Doesnt Scotland have an appeal process too? You must do that. What have you got to lose?

  • Alibaliboo
    Alibaliboo Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected

    I don't score 4 points on the daily living tasks either, but really feel when my PIP is up for renewal, I won't stand a chance. I will be back on the poverty line and my mental health will spiral down to a point I won't function at all.

    Typically decisions made by fools who have no idea. I just hope the Mental Health charities can oppose this to the highest level and speak for those of us less able.

    I thought Starmer was a human rights activist and yet here he is taking away that very thing from us.

  • MB8
    MB8 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    I feel for you .when I was awarded enhanced rate for care i also disagreed with a hugely underscored activity which I need the most care for and like you , I dodnt want more interaction about as I was awarded highest rate, in my case it is pure luck that I have 4 in one activity because this is turning out to be so random and unfair . For the time being nothingis at risk of happening to you until your next review is due and at that stage I would strongly raise the issue of scoring in the first place and appeal if necessary but you might be left alone about it for a long time to come ..I hope the 4 point rule is hugely contested as this is truly wrong.

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