UC managed migration guide



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 724 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Andi66 Sorry, that must be frustrating. We are looking in to this and hope to be in touch soon.

    Best wishes,


  • pamela_Meer
    pamela_Meer Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener


    I am on a low income and was paying £127 a month for council tax but after getting in UC I pay £188 a month .

    I went to my council website and it seems there isn't any help available to claim a reduced council tax as before .

    Any idea why please ?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,552 Championing

    It's because some local authorities treat Universal Credit and legacy benefits differently for Council Tax Reduction purposes.

    Each area has different rules so it's very difficult to advise on individual cases from here.

    You could try local welfare rights


  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener


    I received one my migration notice from ESA, support group to UC. I’m in a literal panic, I have CP, anxiety and depression. My anxiety is through the roof. I have every type of documentation I think I’ll need, bank statements, ESA award with proof of SG entitlement, most recent P60 (I’ve got these ever since I claimed ESA.) Driving Licence, birth certificate will this be enough for the ID. If I need to go to the job centre my mom who isn’t well herself has offered to come with me as I literally get myself into a state and don’t process information, especially when stressed.

    I’m thinking of calling the migration notice line (will this help with adding my LCWRA onto my UC claim) because I know I won’t cope with the online claim. I’m guessing I will still be able to manage the claim online for this journal I keep hearing about - even if I start the claim using the UC mitigation notice helpline?

    I’m a straightforward case in that I only claim ESA, at the moment, because I live with my parents. Will this mean I will only have the 5-6 week waiting time?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,853 Championing

    Did you have a read of my guide at the very start of this thread? There's lots of information in there.

    They should already know that you're in the Support Group when you claim but it will still take up to about a few weeks to update your claim to include the LCWRA information and for you to agree to your new claimant commitments.

    Once you submit a claim for UC any Income Related ESA will continue for 2 weeks and then stop. If any part of your ESA is contributions based this will revert automatically to New style ESA but it will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

    If you're unable to attend your local job centre you can ask for a telephone appointment.

    You won't need a P60 or ESA letters. You will only need to provide bank statements if your capital is more than £6,000.

    Your driving license should be fine as ID.

    If your ESA doesn't include the Severe disability Premium then you'll be better off financially by claiming UC. If you're 25 and over then your UC will be about £120/month more than your ESA.

    If you start a claim by telephone then you will not have access to a journal. Citizens Advice have a help to claim phone number and you can contact them for help and support to claim.


  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    I’m not sure on how to reply.
    i did read the guide, i suppose I’ve done too much reading and i was going off the gov website on what you ID you needed and thought it was a bit strange to ask for 3 types of ID as I only used one for ESA. I’d need a taxi to get to the job centre.
    I’m guessing I would need to attend a CAB to get help applying? I know they are good, I did used to volunteer for them until my health got too much for me. I know it’s always useful to ask for advice, but I feel a bit ashamed that I’m claiming benefits.

  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    I don’t have the SDP either because I live with my parents

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,853 Championing

    You do not need to attend a citizens Advice appointment in person, the help is given over the phone and they will guide you through the process of applying for UC online.

    You shouldn't feel ashamed about claiming benefits, some people that work also claim them.

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    rach when I got my migration notice my anxiety was through the roof but I wrote in my journal if I needed an appointment could they possibly do it over the phone , they did reply and said they’ve noticed it . It might be worth writing in your journal . I didn’t have to go to any appointment and now receiving my UC . I’m about to get my second payment next week . I do check my journal every day due to my anxiety and always worried that I might miss something. Hope it all goes ok for you

  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    thank you both - and the reassurance. I have regular prescriptions, and can’t be without them. I have been told by my GP that I can get a medical exemption certificate, so am in the process of doing that. I need to apply by the 20th March, so I’m planning to apply mid/late February. I appreciate I’m financially better off on UC but I’m assuming that until I get my first payment of UC I’m not entitled to free prescriptions? I need my prescriptions, I have a thyroid issue and asthma.

    I’m fretting about verifying my ID, how did you do over the phone - @mason50? Also how long did it take for your full entitlement to be added to your UC claim? My parents get PC and HB so I’m panicking this will cause them to get into rent arrears.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,589 Championing


    If you do the ID check at a JobCentre or have a home visit then you either need two pieces of photographic ID, or 3 pieces of non-photographic ID. A driving licence alone is not enough for this.

    If you have the ID check done over the phone (biographical check) then there is no need for a driving licence for this part.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,552 Championing

    You can get free prescriptions after applying for UC but before you get your first payment, as UC is paid a month in arrears.

    If that would cause anxiety, you can pay, ask for a receipt (FP57), then once you have your first payment statement, go to any pharmacy for a refund.

  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    thank you overly anxious. How can i request to do biographical check? And what’s involved?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,262 Championing

    I'm going to be the same I don't progress information either a

  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    I’m fretting about verifying my ID, how did you do over the phone - @mason50? Also how long did it take for your full entitlement to be added to your UC claim? My parents get PC and HB so I’m panicking this will cause them to get into rent arrears.

    Also how long did your claim take, because I’m on medication and I presume that you I won’t be entitled to free prescriptions until I have my first payment. I have been told my GP that I’m medically exempt and can get a certificate. I’ve got until the 20th March to apply for UC how long did you wait? I’m thinking of applying for UC around mid/late February so I know my prescriptions are sorted.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,552 Championing

    Once you have applied, you'll have access to your online UC account called a Journal.

    You can add a Journal note requesting the id check via telephone.

    They'll ask you questions based around your personal details that only you will know the answers to.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,589 Championing

    We would usually recommend requesting it in the online journal. But if you're doing a telephone claim then you would have to request it over the phone instead.

    They ask things that only you should know the answer to, and that will be on government records, so likely relating to bank details, previous work/school or previous address details for example. The questions aren't the same for everyone.

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    I still got my free prescriptions whilst waiting for my universal credit to go verified my ID over the phone with my passport and my child’s tax It was very straightforward to be honest. I literally got my statement two days earlier than what it was expected and it was all in the statement was entitled to. I hope this helps.

  • rach_90
    rach_90 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    so they could ask me about my PIP. Is it similar to security checks when you phone them up?

  • mason50
    mason50 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor

    sorry I meant my Id was verified online, not over the phone I just had to scan my passport and my child’s tax entitlement and it was accepted straight away