Looking for advice for children with mental health conditions - UC, EHCP + getting CAMHS re-referral
Hi everyone I have not been on for a while but would like to skip if others have been through the problems as us my son had to leave college in February 2021 due to him not coping with 2020 he has autism sleep disorders health anxiety migranes and I feel ocd too but they say it's to do with his autism he is really…
Hi, my name is Thedoc83! I have anxiety and depression, and struggle to break tasks down
I have hidden disabilities which are clinical anxiety and depression.
Hi, I'm Mick, Ask me questions about mental health today
I am 49 years old and live in
Coningsby, Lincolnshire. I am husband to Dawn and Dad to Daniel, Shaun and
Ryan, also grandfather to Lizzie and Harley and have 2 dogs Kai and Nero. I was
brought up in Aberdeenshire and joined the Royal Air Force and served for 15
years. I met Dawn towards the end of my RAF service. I started…
Anxiety at its peak
Hello Haven't posted on here for some time. I thought I was coping okay during the pandemic then I had terrible news of my aunt and brother passing away. She died last August but I was only told of it in end of January, then my older brother passed away end of February this year from dementia and not being able to eat or…
Help, pregnant and abandoned by BPD husband
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice or insight in to my situation, if anyone has been in either mine or my husbands position in this. My husband began to withdraw, spending more and more time on online gaming during lockdown and after I had a miscarriage in August last year. It went from a pass time…
Detained in mental health hospital
Hi every one I really could do with some supportive words from my friends on here Last night I was told to come into see the out of hours crisis team . They didn’t feel comfortable letting me go back home so I’m in a mental health hospital . In the past I have just been under home based treatment when I got really bad now…
Being spoken to like rubbish for being exempt for wearing a mask
Hi there every one I suffer with mental illnesses I rarely go out but this week I have been going to places local with my partner . I do have a letter from my doctor bout how I don’t have to wear a mask as I don’t like my face covered In triggers my ptsd . But just going out today with out a mask has made me want to hide…
Panic attack symptoms
Does anyone else get the following symptoms? Throat closing up Shivers Feeling cold. I want to make sure this is a panic attack and not something serious i'm ignoring.
Finding it hard right now
Hi everyone I’ve been diagnosed with server depression,anxiety and have so since as long has I can remember which is about 20yrs I’m 40yrs old I’m on strong medication for this along with chronic pain medication 200mg antidepressants 600mg pregabilin zapain quetiapine morphine patches 15mg . I’ve been to doctors and under…
Afraid of change even though it’s beneficial to me.
Hi all, I suffer from PTSD, Agoraphobia, Depression and Anxiety which are attributed to formally being in a very violent and controlling relationship. I was helped to leave said relationship by police and my local authority who assisted me in obtaining social housing (which I am extremely thankful for). However, soon after…
Feeling low
I have been having problems with my neighbours which I documented on another post. It's not getting any better and affecting my mental health in a bad way. I have a recurring depressive disorder and I'm not managing well at all. I don't want them knowing how I'm feeling as they are the sort of people who would love the…
Emotional Lockdown
Before the COVID-19 began, my life is high-spirited, happy and optimistic, spending time with my friends, having fun and doing lots of things for my friends and family until everything changed around me, because of the lock down, restrictions and the COVID, I became, stressed, frustrated, angry/aggressive, sad, lonely,…
Feeling really low at the moment
Hi all, I woke up feeling really depressed this morning and just can't seem to enjoy anything. I had some bad news last week as my grandad had a fall and smacked his head causing a bleed in the brain and we don't know if he'll survive. The past couple of days hes been alert and speaking but its like hes had a stroke and…
Sorry not really sure how to title this or if I'm asking in the right place. I am the parent of an adult daughter who has chronic & severe OCD. She lives with her husband who is very supportive of her but she's had an extreme relapse this last month and has had her medication doubled, has not left the house for a month,…
Hello further from contact to you regarding trying to reinstate my rights to obtain a Dual Diagnosis treatment clinic after years of researching all the titles that should of made it easier rather than let me do all the work by trying to prove what has been my rights all along as it’s in all the Nice guidelines but in real…
Panic attacks from hospital visit
Hello everyone! I needed a safe space to let out how I'm feeling! This is about a hospital visit by the way and talks of medical conditions and anxieties. Basically, last Sunday I went to the hospital with shoulder blade pain, and unexpectedly I was invesigated for a blood clot straight away. I was only in the hospital for…
Coping with trauma after heart operations
I came out of hospital after 5 weeks and 5 operations all heart related but Im just not adjusting to the fact that I nearly lost my life, I'm so scared to close my eyes at night and I can still smell the disinfectant. Ive been in touch with Talking Therapies from my GP but theres a massive waiting list. How have those in…
My Granddaughter will be 19 in a couple of months. She was severely bullied at school and her family life has been turbulent to say the least. Her mother has both mental and physical health problems. My Granddaughter also has a lot of mental health problems too. She has worked a couple of times but has major panic attacks…
I'm recovering from a Bipolar episode. My friend decided she no longer wants to be part of my life
I am recovering from a Bipolar episode, during which time, my best friend has decided she no longer wants to be part of my life..... im feeling quite lonely without her.
Agoraphobia-covid jab. Could I have it done at home?
Hi, I just about managed to have my 1st covid jab in February, since then my mental and physical health has declined greatly. I am now petrified to leave my home as agoraphobia has once again set in along with my physical disabilities having got worse. I keep rescheduling my 2nd jab as I think maybe I will be better but…