How is your day going?



  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    @Zimba I'm sorry for your loss. Such a shock when it's a child even if you are expecting it.

    @Beaver79 enjoy your meal out. Italian is my favourite food. We are having takeaway pizza tonight 😋 

    @Biblioklept thanks. It's been a busy week being twice at the hospital. 

    @Ada, @Teigr, @Lou67, @csno01, @Sandy_123 and everyone have a good relaxing evening
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    edited March 2
    @Zimba so sorry condolences to you 
    @ItsJeni hope you get the support soon 
    Enjoy your family time @Beaver79
    @ada not so sunny were having a thunder storm at moment 
    @Marydoll5 hope your ok
    Glad you had a nice time out @Lou67
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    That sounds lovely @Lou67!!! Does your grandaughter live with your mum?
    Enjoy your cuppa <3 

    Awww thanks for asking @durhamjaide2001, I've had a good day!! Chatted with some special people, caught up on here and played some games! I even managed a few loads of washing so feeling good :) 

    @Marydoll5, twice at the hospital in one week?? You poor things :( I hope the appointments went okay and you won't need to visit again any time soon!! Enjoy your takeaway pizza, it's one of my favourites 😍 What toppings do you go for?

    Is there still lots to do despite the thunder storm @Sandy_123?? Is it a resort your staying at or like your own chalet type thing? 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    Hi @Biblioklept hope your day ok 
    It's a resort they have everything here pools saunas jacuzzi entertainment for kids. Live bands Turkish dancing. Bingo on at the moment. It's really full on shooting archery hair dressers and beautifi parlers . You can't get bored. All inclusive I've not ate so much . I've had the day at the beach today. It was a little rough tho
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    edited March 2
    It sounds amazing @Sandy_123!!! Have you used the sauna and jacuzzi??

    I've only been in a sauna once and it was many years ago, I think I was 16 and a friend and her mum took me with them to a spa. I'd never been before and never been since, I felt quite out of place lol and it was far too fancy for me!! But me and my friend messed about in one of the pools and my friend dared me to go sit in the sauna for as long as I could bare (I didn't even know what a sauna was)!

    Anyway she pointed me to a door and I strolled in and sat down, immediately uncomfortable with the heat and regretting my decision, only to realise there was a fully naked adult man sat in there with me!!!!! Never left a place so quick and my friend was in hysterics what I found her!!! 

    How long are you away for? <3
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    I'm sorry I did laugh at the naked man I've been in the jacuzzi I thought be good for my spine and the heated pool as I can't access a bath. Best next thing. Obviously your not washing in there but the heat is good . Plus accessable . I do struggle with the beach chairs there low and lie down ones. But my son helps me up
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    I had a good laugh too, once I got over the embarrassment :D 

    Is that the weird deck chair things they have on beaches that lay back completely? They've always looked really low. I bet the jacuzzi and heated pool were nice, especially if you've not been able to relax in a bath for some time! <3 Is your son having a great time too? Has he tried the archery?
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    @Biblioklept I go for pepperoni, ham mushrooms and extra mozzarella slices with garlic oil. 

    @Sandy_123 the thunder will mean a scorching day tomorrow 😊

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    I'm not a fan of ham but I love pepperoni and mushroom mmmmmmmmm <3 Do they drizzle the garlic oil all over?
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing
    That sounds lovely @Lou67!!! Does your grandaughter live with your mum?
    Enjoy your cuppa <3 

    Awww thanks for asking @durhamjaide2001, I've had a good day!! Chatted with some special people, caught up on here and played some games! I even managed a few loads of washing so feeling good :) 

    @Marydoll5, twice at the hospital in one week?? You poor things :( I hope the appointments went okay and you won't need to visit again any time soon!! Enjoy your takeaway pizza, it's one of my favourites 😍 What toppings do you go for?

    Is there still lots to do despite the thunder storm @Sandy_123?? Is it a resort your staying at or like your own chalet type thing? 

    Hi yes my granddaughter is 20 now she’s stayed with my mum since she was 4, her and her mum stayed with me till then. 
    I hope your having a nice night.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    I hope your having a nice night and keeping warm.

    Hi I hope yous enjoyed your pizza  😋 

    Your hotel sounds amazing glad yous have plenty to do. 

    I hope your family night is going great.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    edited March 2
    @Marydoll5 yeah it's forecast it tomorrow I've caught the sun today on the beach
    @Biblioklept there sun loungers always hated those deck chairs always scared of trapping my fingers we've not done the archery or shooting. Just too much to fit in. As well as resting 
    @Lou67 you'd love it here 
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    @Sandy_123 the jacuzzi and heated pool sound like heaven. I'm the same as you where baths are concerned and the bubbles are lovely on your back.

    @Biblioklept yes the garlic oil is drizzled all over. If I'm making my own pizza I have a spray bottle and I put garlic cloves in it and fill it with olive oil to spray on things. It's handy when air frying too.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Oh I’m sure I would Sandy. 
     We will all need to organise a holiday together 😎😂
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    Yes @Lou67 I'm in
    Sounds a good idea with the oil @Marydoll5 I'll have to get an air fryer they look good
  • ItsJeni
    ItsJeni Community member Posts: 25 Contributor
    @Biblioklept Have a look at Tractive for pet trackers. Put my mind at ease when moving house with them. 

    @Rosie_Scope unfortunately no family but my mother 2 hours away and no friends. I'm also a survivor of the R word so it's incredibly difficult asking for professional help let alone a neighbour with personal care.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,276 Championing
    I'm going to say good night it's 11.44 here night all
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,456 Championing
    Hi @Zimba - I'm so sorry to read about this young man. When I was a physio student, on one placement I was looking after 2 brothers with MD who had just lost their friend who also had this; they were both understandably devastated.
    Hi @Lou67 - I hope, apart from your 'beeping' beeping machine, you are doing a bit better :)
    @ItsJeni - I'm so pleased you've looked into a needs assessment as you're having an awful time of it. I hope you know I'll do as much as I can for you with any questions about hEDS. My GP, who looked after the founder of our UK's EDS Support Group said that pain relief often doesn't work in EDS; in part it's due to our unusual sensitivities, so you can't tolerate some meds, or they plain just don't work. Are you seeing a cardiologist? My son & I get echocardiograms every year, in part because my son looks 'marfanoid,' so we're sort of hybrids!
    I've been looking after my son's Bedlington terrier today for the 3rd time this week! However the cat who adopted me 5 years ago waves a paw at Bramble & Ivy, & also @Teigr 's adorable dog. Here's Shadow:

  • ItsJeni
    ItsJeni Community member Posts: 25 Contributor
    @chiarieds Shadow is beautiful 😍

    Yes, I am under a cardiologist. I've had two echos in the past three months due to fluid around my heart and very high heart rates on standing (185bpm). I'm also under orthopaedics, haematology, dermatology, rheumatology, and physiotherapy but none of them respond when I'm in trouble. Eg It took 5 years of over 10 allergy rashes a day then 6 weeks and 8 anaphylactic reactions for dermatology to see me.
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    I am thank you @Lou67!! I ended up ordering some noodles and watched Dexter, which isn't my usual type of show but I think the actor is just brilliant, it's done so well that I really get lost in it. 

    I'd never thought about trapping fingers but I always worried those chairs would fold up and I'd get tangled up inside @Sandy_123!! :D Sounds so lovely there I hope you're having lots of chance to unwind and get rid off any stresses <3 Hope you're not too sore from catching the sun today!

    Sounds delicious @Marydoll5 and easy to do too, I will give it a try next time I have pizza 🤤 x

    Haha I can just imagine the trouble @Sandy_123 and @Lou67 would get up to on holiday together!! <3 

    Thank you @ItsJeni, that's a great idea!! I didn't know things like that exist. I'm a long way off getting a pet but it does make a cat an option I think!