How is your day going?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,988 Championing
    Lou67 said:

    Poppy your cat is gorgeous, I hope your well settled into your new home and enjoying the benefits off it.


    Thank you Lou! I think he knows he's handsome because he often sits on my drawers in the bedroom looking at himself in the mirror  :D no kidding.

    All settled in thank you! and yes, we love it here. 

    I hope your knee is healing well after your surgery. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Aww yes Poppy your cat definitely knows he’s handsome then having a look at himself in the mirror 😂
    Glad you and your daughter are all settled in.
    Im getting there slowly this time but getting there non the less thanks.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    @Biblioklept sadly I have no pets now. 
    It's a shame but maybe in the future. 

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    Do you think you'd get another @Marydoll5 or something else? 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,286 Online Community Coordinator
    You mean you did an "ActuaLOL?" @66Mustang :D

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,988 Championing
    I'd love to say I would take an older cat @poppy123456, but I think I prefer the idea of a kitten so I can raise it and get to know it's temperament and stuff as it grows. Although I imagine they're a bit harder to look after and get up to more trouble? :D I don't know if I could have an indoor cat as I love having all my doors and windows open, my garden fence is really high the whole way around but I imagine it could jump up. I just though, would it try and jump out the upstairs windows?!?!?? I have those open all year round. 

    A kitten would be lovely so you could see him/her grow up. They are funny and have so much energy. You would need to keep them in for a while of course but they should already be litter trained before they are rehomed. Are they more difficult? Well, only because they will be playful because they are small but an older cat that's a few years old can also be playful. It would be lovely for you to see them grow and get used to them being around you, as you've never had a cat before. 

    An older cat could also work for you but if you wanted them to be an indoor cat that maybe more difficult if they are used to going out.

    For an indoor cat, I wouldn't worry too much about the windows. I keep mine open during the warmer months (closed in winter because it's freezing) and it's never been an issue for Alfie, my cat. He sits on the window sills smelling the fresh air lol. 

    The reason Alfie is an indoor cat is because I was always scared when I first had him that someone would steel him or he would get run over. He's a rare Siamese cat with 2 blue eyes and I know someone would take him if I let him out. I would be totally heart broken if I lost him!! 

    There's nothing nicer than him coming up to me for cuddles. He loves to put his head on my shoulder, purring his head off. My only problem is, he's so BIG and very heavy, I can't hold him for very long... 8kg is quite heavy.

    He comes downstairs every night to tell me it's time for bed. Then he waits in my bedroom for me to get into bed and turn the light off before jumping on the ned next to me for cuddles. That purr sound is just so relaxing. He often puts his head on my hand and falls asleep. 

    It would be such lovely company for you and I'm sure you would get to love each other.  <3
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    edited March 3
    r.e. the windows / house cat thing, not to discourage you at all but just an anecdote so you can form a balanced view!

    My brother used to have a girlfriend who lived in a top floor flat and had 2 cats which were strictly house cats. One day she left a window open and the dozy thing jumped out. It was rushed to the vet but cats are actually very good at falling long distances and it was completely fine, just a bit stunned!
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,286 Online Community Coordinator
    My old cat Deez used to be a "Time share" cat. He'd get breakfast, then leap out of my bedroom window, across the roof to next door, then yowl outside until he got second breakfast.  :D 

    Doofy is doing a lot better today thanks @Ada, sis has just taken them all out for a gentle stroll to the end of the road and back. :) 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Hi @ada it's lovely to see you. I hope you are feeling a bit better now, we all missed you
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Hi I hope your feeling a bit better glad to see you posting. Oh I hope the weather keeps up for you. The suns out here to lovely and bright.
    My legs ok thanks a little stiff just like the rest off me 😂

    Oh yes your mum should definitely speak to the doctor I know everyone is different but they helped me massively.

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    That's so true @poppy123456!! I love the idea of watching it grow, I've always had quite a maternal side and just love the idea of nurturing something and looking after it!! Plus the company would be so nice <3

    We had a family cat when I was really little but I don't remember it at all other than it's name and stories I've been told. I think the playful side to a kitten would be good for me, I could do with some excitement in my life!!! Do you have to trim a cat's claws or do they scratch them down?? 

    A blue eyed cat sounds beautiful, no wonder you're worried about someone stealing him! It's sad we have to think about these things :( 

    Thank you for reassuring about the windows, that was a big worry of mine so I'm happy to know it can work out!! I have them open even in winter, especially my bedroom ones <3
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    Oh nooooo @66Mustang!!! Hahaha well it's good to have a balanced view and at least the cat was fine!! I knew cats could jump and land at big distances but from a top floor flat?? Woww!! What a chancer! Maybe if I get a cat it'll be a really brave one and teach me to push my boundaries even more too! <3

    I'm not sure @Ada, I'm getting very tempted but I need to do lots more research! There's also the practicality of actually finding one and arranging to buy it and collecting it and yeah, I think it might be a pipe dream for a while. 

    A time share cat sounds ideal @Albus_Scope as means I'd get time away if I need it :D Although having a cat launch across roofs to my neighbour's sounds TERRIFYING!!! :D Great news about Doofy <3<3 Must have been so worrying for you! Are you and your sister close? 
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,441 Championing
    No plans except housework @Biblioklept,which is proving to be difficult on account of there being washing draped everywhere.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,441 Championing
    edited March 3
    It's dry and sunny here @Ada,,but we had a heavy shower this morning just after I'd hung out the washing.

    I didn't bother putting it out again,I can't be bothered watching the weather all day.

    Mr Teigr has gone to the tip with a load of cardboard that won't fit into the recycling bags.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,286 Online Community Coordinator
    Deez was built like a huge black panther, nothing phased him, though he'd not jump up walls, he'd just pull himself up into my bedroom window, which got a bit scary as he got older! He was hilarious. We'd often see him during the day just sleeping in next doors garden. :D

    And yes @Biblioklept, I live with her, so luckily we get on really well and can share animal responsibilities. 

    Gotta say, having the sun out has been great today. <3 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,286 Online Community Coordinator
    I can vouch for fostering pets, or getting rescues, so it could be worth you reaching out to some local shelters @biblioklept

    So what are you thinking of planting this year @Ada? I've got my chilli seeds germinating currently. :) 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,286 Online Community Coordinator
    It's lovely having a little patio garden, especially when they're pet proofed. :D  
    Sorry to hear the idiots wrecked your lillies, that's horrible of them! I don't know how people can do that. 
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    @Ada that must be so satisfying growing from seedlings. I'm the same as you, just small flagged area so everything is in pots. 

    @Lou67 remember to relax today

    @Teigr it's a pain having washing inside. There was snow here yesterday and daffodils were everywhere. The weather is wacky.

    @Biblioklept I couldn't take a pet on with Mr being so ill. Maybe when things get easier. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    That was a rotten thing for anyone to do trash your flowers 🙄 I hope you can grow some more this year.

    Hi I hope your doing good today, I haven’t done much today done my floors and had a tidy up. Im now relaxing before I sort dinner.
