How is your day going?



  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    I’ve had many cats over the years but my last was a siamese called Jigger he had a very strong personality and would answer me back if he got told off 😁, he had a very distinctive meow which was very loud, we had him for 13 years. My brother’s cat is an old tabby cat, and she is 19, and still as fierce as ever she hates everyone except my brother and his wife. They have to put her in another room when they have visitors she’s a house cat and it’s her house 😂 great guard cat. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Morning all so sorry to everyone that had a bad night I hope yous can get some rest tonight. I was awake on and off to just couldn’t get comfortable. 

    I hope your enjoying your podcasts now and taking it easy. I’m always here for you.

    Hi I hope you can have a relaxing day and just take it easy.
     The machine is a machine called a Pico 7 that the hospital put on it’s attached to a dressing and it draws the moisture out off my wound to trying speed up the healing process. 
    There was an improvement last week with it. The only thing it’s very temperamental and starts to beep and flash a lot, but I turn it off and trying reboot it. 

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,253 Championing
    Good morning everyone. How is everyone doing this morning?
    I had one of my best sleeps ever last night @durhamjaide2001 so I've woken up with a bit of a buzz today and feeling hopeful!! How are you?? <3 
    I'm good thank you. How are you this morning?
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Good morning everyone.

    Aww it looks like I missed out on a lot on here last night. Or maybe you all knew I was going out so you had a party :D 

    I had a lovely evening out with my family - close family and some other relatives. It was difficult for me because of my anxiety and other things but I am really glad I went and really proud of myself for doing it.

    I actually interacted with people quite a bit as well which I am pleased with because usually I just sit there quietly. One of the relatives is Scottish and is very much into whisky, really knowledgeable as well. We were able to have a great chat because we had this common interest ... I learnt lots and I even dare to say I think he learnt one or maybe two things from me as well, which I am actually proud of!!!! :D Sadly he is a dedicated Scotch drinker - none of that Japanese or Irish muck - which I myself enjoy as much as Scotch!!

    I hope everyone else has a nice day today. :smile: 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Morning oh I’m so glad you had a lovely meal out with your family and extended family. 
    That was nice you and your Scottish relative had something in common to talk about.
    It’s been so lovely to see you overcome a lot and approach it all head on. Well done enjoy your day. 

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Thanks @Lou67 for being so kind and supportive :blush: I hope you have a lovely day ahead as well. How is your leg/knee today?
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Oh your welcome your doing so good.
    I’m ok thanks knees a little bit stiff but once I move about it’ll be fine. I’m having a day in as been out quite a lot this week and I’m feel I need a day in to recharge.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    @Lou67 oh my Mum's knee is like that, it gets stiff if she sits too long (she hasn't had the operation yet though)

    yeah I understand what you mean, I hope you have a nice quiet day :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,988 Championing
    Zimba said:
    I’ve had many cats over the years but my last was a siamese called Jigger he had a very strong personality and would answer me back if he got told off 😁, he had a very distinctive meow which was very loud, we had him for 13 years. My brother’s cat is an old tabby cat, and she is 19, and still as fierce as ever she hates everyone except my brother and his wife. They have to put her in another room when they have visitors she’s a house cat and it’s her house 😂 great guard cat. 
    I've had cats all my life but this is the first Siamese I've had. He's 11 in June and I would definitely have another in the future. 

    I know what you mean about the meow, Alfie's in the same and yes he also answers me when I talk to him  :D wow 19 is a good age for a cat! Haha a guard cat, I love it. Alfie, is not a guard cat, he's scared of everything and hides under the duvet if he hears anything loud downstairs. 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    I'd love to say I would take an older cat @poppy123456, but I think I prefer the idea of a kitten so I can raise it and get to know it's temperament and stuff as it grows. Although I imagine they're a bit harder to look after and get up to more trouble? :D I don't know if I could have an indoor cat as I love having all my doors and windows open, my garden fence is really high the whole way around but I imagine it could jump up. I just though, would it try and jump out the upstairs windows?!?!?? I have those open all year round. 

    Good morning @Albus_Scope! <3

    @Zimba, 19 wow!!! I didn't realise cats lived so long!! 

    @Lou67 I didn't know such machines exist, what a brilliant invention!! The noise and flashing would drive me round the bend though :D I was in hospital a number of years ago, hooked up to a heart monitor, but because I have heart arrythmias it was beeping and alarming constantly, day and night. The nurses kept telling me to rest and it was impossible with the beeping non-stop!! Is the pain any better for you now? <3

    I bet it was so nice having everyone together like that @Beaver79!! Was the food good? (I assume it must be if you keep going <3
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    Morning to you as well @durhamjaide2001!!! <3 It's sweet of you to ask, I'm doing okay! How are you?

    Good morning @66Mustang!!! No way, it wouldn't be a party without you here too! :) 
    Well done on pushing yourself and interacting with people more than usual <3 
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    Alfie, is not a guard cat, he's scared of everything and hides under the duvet if he hears anything loud downstairs. 
    Sounds like Alfie can join the club of us hiding under the duvet!!! :D<3 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    I was getting a patch for in my knees for a long time before my knee ops it’s called a Ravlo medicated patch and it was the best thing for me to get moving in the morning.
     I’ve actually just put one on the top off my leg and it soothes it right away.
    Has your mum tried anything like that, they are really good. Your mum has my sympathies about her knees.

    Hi how are you feeling after your night out. Yes I definitely need a day in.

    Poppy your cat is gorgeous, I hope your well settled into your new home and enjoying the benefits off it.


  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing
    I'd love to say I would take an older cat @poppy123456, but I think I prefer the idea of a kitten so I can raise it and get to know it's temperament and stuff as it grows. Although I imagine they're a bit harder to look after and get up to more trouble? :D I don't know if I could have an indoor cat as I love having all my doors and windows open, my garden fence is really high the whole way around but I imagine it could jump up. I just though, would it try and jump out the upstairs windows?!?!?? I have those open all year round. 

    Good morning @Albus_Scope! <3

    @Zimba, 19 wow!!! I didn't realise cats lived so long!! 

    @Lou67 I didn't know such machines exist, what a brilliant invention!! The noise and flashing would drive me round the bend though :D I was in hospital a number of years ago, hooked up to a heart monitor, but because I have heart arrythmias it was beeping and alarming constantly, day and night. The nurses kept telling me to rest and it was impossible with the beeping non-stop!! Is the pain any better for you now? <3

    I bet it was so nice having everyone together like that @Beaver79!! Was the food good? (I assume it must be if you keep going <3
    Hi yes I think they are quite new but it definitely helped heal my knee a bit last week. They only work for 7 days then they get thrown away, which I was a bit shocked about as I looked them up and they are over £200 to buy. 
    My knees not giving me much pain at all it’s just a little stiff. 
    It’s more the back off my leg up the top. But they think this could be more nerve damage as I have it in my feet and hands to 🙄 I’m falling apart 😂

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    £200 for 7 days use sounds a lot but worth it if it's helping you @lou6 <3
    Those Ravlo patches sound interesting, I'm wondering if they'll help with my shoulder pain. Willing to try anything at this point! :D 

    Have lovely restful days in @Beaver79 and @Lou67 <3<3 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,282 Online Community Coordinator
    Blimey, it sounds like a lot of us all need a day to recharge today, but I'm so glad to see the outings all went well. Be gentle with yourselves today please and don't push yourselves too hard. <3 

    I think @Lou67 needs a new can of WD40. ;)
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Hahhahaha aww I think your right 😂 I hope your doing good today.

    Yes definitely expensive, im sure you need to get Ravlo patches on prescription I remember my doctor telling me when she first prescribed them to let her know if they worked as they were expensive to ( I have expensive taste) 😂 but they were amazing for me they were the first thing I put on my knees when I got out off bed. You should enquire about them. 

    Enjoy your walk with the dog a bit off fresh air can do wonders. I’m really looking forward to getting back out my walks soon hopefully.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 565 Championing
    Good morning Scopicles 

    I'm so glad @66Mustang your meal out went so well and you talked to different people 

    @Beaver79 glad you enjoyed your meal out too

    Morning @Ada you are due a better day today 

    @Lou67 a rest day sounds perfect

    Don't want to keep tagging everyone but I had a cat who went up a roof and her brother tried to lead her down and in the end she had to be rescued. She was always doing daft things!
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Good morning I hope you and your husband slept well and feeling as good as can be. Enjoy your day.  ❤️
  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,343 Championing
    I think if I got a cat I'd end up with a daft one like that @Marydoll5!! :D  Very cute! Do you have any pets now? How are you today? <3