


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Oh yes absolutely thankyou for responding it's shocking

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Social media has its good points. #ShameOnYou is trending at Twit. People are naming their MPs who voted in support of Reeves, with pleasing little quotations from what they said about how much they want to support the poor, hungry, sick, old when they were trying to get elected. Or else just quoting Reeves, who once Tweeted: "I'll never forget a woman in Leeds West I once spoke to who had purple fingers because her pension wasn't enough to pay for the heating. We must act now."

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    What can we do anything ?

  • older01
    older01 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor

    @Catherine21 I was very shocked at how badly some pensioners have been affected by this new legislation.

    I have a friend that doesn’t qualify for pension credits through no fault of her own. Her husband died suddenly, leaving her with unpaid debts. So is such a proud woman that she’s paying the debts despite my advice. She hardly balances the books now. She’s afraid to put her heating on in winter, and her flat is owned by a private landlord. She can’t afford to move, and her flat is not well maintained. I plead with her to report her living conditions, but because she comes from an older generation that don’t complain she is living in totally unsuitable accommodation and I doubt she will survive a cold winter.
    The treasury owes £24B. The money the government will gain from this is £1.4. I would urge the Chancellor to reconsider this, even at this late hour, she could think about a better way to pay off the National Debt than targeting many people who do rely on this extra money to survive. This shocked me from the day she announced it so callously.

  • BrianMcFaddenFan82
    BrianMcFaddenFan82 Online Community Member Posts: 89 Contributor

    I agree @Catherine21 as my nanna couldn't even walk to her local corner shop to buy herself a pie for her lunch as myself and my middle sister used to go to the shop for her to get her pie and she would give us some money as a thank you for going to the shop for her, but me n my middle sister didn't mind as we were helping our nanna.

    My nanna used to have one of them old fashioned metal bins for her rubbish before they swapped them for the wheelie bins and on bin collection day they would go into my nanna's backyard and get her bin and carry it the back of the bin lorry empty it and then return it to where my nanna put her bin.

    I remember one time it was bin day for the street where me, my two sisters and our brother lived with our late dad and on this particular day my dad had accidentally forgotten to put the wheelie bins out (the black normal household rubbish and the blue recycling bin, so I took them round on my way out and the bin man noticed that I was struggling with the bins, so he took the black one off me first and put it against the garden wall and then he took the blue off me and emptied it and put it next to the black one with its handle facing the wall as the recycling bin was emptied first and a few hours later the black one was emptied. That was back when the black and blue bins were emptied weekly.

    It's a nightmare for my youngest sister as they empty the black wheelie bins one week and the blue ones the week after, which is a pain for my youngest sister as her 11 year old daughter is disabled as she was diagnosed with global development delay when she was 2 years old and because my niece doesn't know when she needs the toilet she has to wear special incontinence nappies and has to take a spare change of clothes and nappies with her to school in her backpack.

    When my youngest sister and former sister-in-law were potty training my youngest niece, my middle niece was copying her by using her special commode chair even though she had a nappy on.

    She gets really excited when I go to see her.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    It's heartbreaking absolutely heartbreaking I'm so so sorry for your friend God I never thought under a labour goverment such cruelty ! It's inhumane ! Also recieved email from council seeing if entitled to 25 percent council tax normally revieve those emails around April not September maybe over thinking I prey some charities get involved to stop this ! But that won't help anyone this year SHAME ON LABOUR actually worse than tories god help us all

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    It's those acts of kindness that mean everything the daily things the goverment have done a good job of dividing us all So so important that we reach out for each other thats lovely your niece gets excited when she sees you sounds like she loves you very much let's keep on making sure our family friends are OK cant rely oh goverment

  • BrianMcFaddenFan82
    BrianMcFaddenFan82 Online Community Member Posts: 89 Contributor

    I agree @Catherine21

    My fiancé helps my youngest sister and one of our friends out with their gardens when it's nice enough weather to.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing
  • ladyluck
    ladyluck Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering

    Now there is such a large majority in parliament for Labour, they will get away with anything. Please check on any elderly in your neighbourhood. Many of these folk won’t ask for help. Pension credit should be applied directly. The elderly won’t ask for it. Lifting our tax allowances which are frozen, would help millions. We all know what can happen when people lose hope. Last year the government made sure all elderly people got £5/600 in allowances and help for winter. I’m shocked Rachel Reeves can claim £4,000 over the last few years on her second home heating bill, yet deprives those on very low pensions of a few hundred quid. And the woman she spoke to with purple hands because of the cold? Well, obviously, that was before she gained control. And Rachel the train drivers £12k. raise, £500 more than the total full pension many millions worked all their lives to obtain. Absolute treachery.