Pip advice please

james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
edited July 2020 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi I'm a newbie looking for advice...
Had my medical assessment on Monday, the assessor said clearly your report will be sent to dwp in the next hour, after ringing dwp they said it could take 3 weeks to receive!? Obviously I'm now pretty confused as to who to believe....also I have not received any text saying dwp has my report when they have the correct contact details for me. I guess I'm making myself sound stupid but do I wait for the received documents text?? The only txt I have so far was in February saying they had my application (now June!!!) I understand things are slower due to covid19 but I have been waiting a long time and as people know this is a stressful process at the best of times!! Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @james1980morrison

    Welcome to our online community/family.

    I am one of the Community Champion’s here at Scope.

    We have got some info on “Benefit’s”


    Please please let me know if you need any further help????

  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected

    I'm just wondering about the whole timescale of things, had medical assessment last Monday and heard nothing since, yet assessor said report would be sent within an hour,rang dwp and they say they haven't received anything a week later!? And looking online leads to many many different versions of what's right and what actually happens!?my assessor said decision letter will take 8 weeks but again everyone has a different answer........
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    It takes time to get through the system, so although the report will be sent quickly, it may take several days before it gets read at the other end.

    You should receive a text when they have it yes.  I'm sure it was 2 weeks when I did mine but that was before covid so 3 weeks wouldn't be impossible now.  You do just have to wait unfortunately.
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @james1980morrison

    I will forward your post onto our senior members to offer you some help/advice.

     Hi @Adrian_Scope

    Can you please help me with this post?????

  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    Thanks for advice so far!! 
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @james1980morrison

    No probs my friend!!!!

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @james1980morrison - & welcome to the community. 'Normally' you can get a copy of the assessor's report a week later. And yes, a decision letter could take up to 8 weeks, which is why people often try to get a copy of the assessor's report, which a Decision Maker usually goes along with.
    May I suggest you try ringing again (0800 121 4433). Some people who answer are more helpful than others.
  • Denise11
    Denise11 Online Community Member Posts: 99 Empowering
    james1980morrison  Welcome to Scope.  The person that assessed you obviously doesn't understand what goes on but having worked for the civil service there's is no way you would have sorted in a hour or text to tell you they've have the assessors report.  I understand your frustration.  What he should have is the report will be logged it a hour but the turn around time will be 3 or 4 weeks depending on how many other reports they have already to deal with, I'm sorry to say!  But as woodbine said, give them a ring!
  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    Will give them a call this afternoon, IAS or what was atos has confirmed that hey have sent the report to dwp, just a case of it being in a big pile of other assessments waiting to get scanned in I guess!?! Probably one of the most stressful things iv had to do , dwp and stress seem to come together!! 
  • desbo2710
    desbo2710 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    @james1980morrison I had my assessment over the phone 15th July. Then got a text 19th saying dwp had my report, I rang 24th and a decision had been made. Its probably not the same for everyone but it doesn't always take as long as 8 weeks. 
  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    Had my assessment 29th June, still haven't even had a text saying they have report even though IAS say dwp have it!!? Really stressing me out being stuck in limbo with no answer and no idea as to what they will decide!! Never thought it would be this stressful and dwp being so vague with answers about the timescale of things, I understand things are slower due to covid19 but I'm constantly getting flimsy answers that don't change anything or give me any real information, they received my initial pip form Feb 12, now the start of July so I get the feeling my claim is going to be probably one of the longest most drawn out claims on record, I have given up on the dwp website for advice as according to them my claim would be sorted in 12 weeks and  I'm on week 18 or so already and have no text saying they have my assessment, the whole thing isn't helping my mental or physical health, and I'm now actually thinking why did I bother/is this really worth it!!!?? 
    Sorry to rant on but I'm finding this very stressful and a few of my conditions are massively affected by stress :/ 
    Anyone with a magic wand please wave it my way!! 
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    Hi I am on daily living pip at the end of April I got told I will be having physiotherapy for the rest of my life and my condition to for the rest of my life. When I phone PIP what will they do?

    Hope to hear shortly 

    Thank you 
  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    @Username_removed any positive or helpful comments/information you have would be better received than  you trying to put me down thanks!! 4405 posts on here from you and I'm guessing none of them helpful!?! Please don't comment  on my post unless you have some helpful/relevant information, thanks
  • katho31
    katho31 Posts: 692 Empowering
    Hi @james1980morrison:) and good morning, lots of people have varying responses from dwp, they are dealing with thousands off a backlog, i too was extremely frustrated/high anxiety/loosing sleep etc. im a first tim applicant for PIP, applied start of feb 2020, waited 17 weeks then had tel consultation mid june, it was an hour long. i was told to ring dwp in 7 days time, in the end i  got told 9 days later, on the phone by man called Sam that id been successful [i said i was on scopes website]. i was over the moon to say the least. lost have had good/bad experiences. please dont give up and we are here always  :) best wishes from us  :)
  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    The majority of your comments @Username_removed are negative or an attempt at "picking" on somebody and I'm sure you know you have been called up on this quite a few times from what I read!! The last place I expected a keyboard bully/warrior was to be on this website!!! Maybe you should also read the forum terms!?! Everyone else's comments have been useful or informative which is what I was aiming for and appreciate, I think the saying is "if you have nothing positive to say then don't comment!?" By all means if you have some information that may actually help or advise me then please comment, if not then I would appreciate it if you didn't comment on my post and moved onto the next persons post you want to fill with negativity!? Thankyou 
  • desbo2710
    desbo2710 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Connected
    @james1980morrison don't take what people say as been negative or in some way a personal attack. Someone has to be the devils advocate and tell you or rather state the worse. Everybody's claim for a pip and the process they go through are not the same.  Some wait a couple of weeks and some longer for their decision. @Username_removed has commented on a couple of my posts and rather than taking what he said personally I sat back and understood what he was saying from both sides. All you can do is be patient and hope you have the outcome you want. 
  • james1980morrison
    james1980morrison Posts: 8 Connected
    No @Username_removed after the 3rd or 4th person had told you to wind your neck in I got bored , bit of a pattern with your comments and to be fair your still carrying on! If your in charge of the whole site and what people can post then feel free to close my post down, until then I'd appreciate it if you didn't comment any more thankyou 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    This discussion has served it's purpose and has now been closed. As a reminder, please respect all members and follow the community guidelines.

    We appreciate that people have different opinions and we want the community to be a safe place. If you do not agree with someone then please scroll past their posts or use the ignore function. 

    Here is a recent post on the community about things to keep in mind when interacting with others.
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