Upcoming changes to benefits
I don’t think they’ve considered that our carers will have to work and government will have to pay at least minimum wage for a carer .
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@worried33 I don't know how to link im sorry, it was mostly management jobs, there was only 2 pages. Bottom of first page was an admin type job in Wrexham. I think it was the second page that was work coaches jobs or the work psychologist that refers to work coaches.
I'll be posting very shortly re Equality Act 2010.
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I have ME and fibromyalgia plus other conditions as secondary. My conditions fluctuate throughout the day . I literally never have a good day . Always pain somewhere and always fatigued. Is Wes steering going to find a cure where my specialist was able to ?
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Looks like the average weekly PIP rise for enhanced / enhanced over the last 8 years was £6.01
I think i should 🤐🤣
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Do you know where the new point system is shown?
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but by removing pip altogether is worse . Are they just incompetent are evil ? Maybe a bit of both
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I think I read it in the guardian. Though it’s nothing definite of course.
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We have similar diagnoses 👍.. I'm back in St Thomas' London again in 2 weeks time.
Maybe i shouldnt go, as these cuts will miraculously make my symptoms disappear😎
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I was diagnosed years ago at the royal free . CBT, GET , activity management. Nothing worked in fact they made me feel worse. GET couldn’t even start as my ME never stabilised and it’s dangerous to exercise with ME so I was told . Exercise ( walking about not real exercise) helps fibromyalgia pain but then fatigue kicks in so it’s back to bed . Then wake up aching again and so on
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They're going to have to almost rewrite PIP as part of the primary legislation process to achieve anything like they're proposing. I imagine that the Committee Stage of a future Bill, following its Second Reading will be very long with every word scrutinised and multiple amendments tabled.
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I just read in the Guardian after a couple of days break from news that there is mention of a U turn on welform reform/PIP: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2025/mar/15/downing-street-considers-u-turn-on-cuts-to-benefits-for-disabled-people
I'm not quite sure - does this mean the govt IS doing a u-turn or just something that they are 'considering' and if they do, I'm not sure if they are doing a full u-turn and scrapping it or just an element of it? Has anyone heard more about this?
I know we're all in the dark until this green paper comes out. I think I probably speak for everyone about what this has done to both my physical and mental health since it was annouced. My CFS is bad, my ADHD is making my brain toxic and catastrophising everything.
Can also someone explain why the govt are so anti mental health? Physical and mental health go hand in hand and influcence each other, and how insulting to say teens only get 'mild' mental health. Until they are in someone's brain they have no right to judge what someone is going through.
I would really, really love to force the govertment - any government - for every programme, every benefit they want to slash, they have to go through the whole process. Let them understand the process for PIP - the form, the assesments, the waiting - oh and to make sure they really understand, their MP salaries - and their expenses - will be frozen until PIP reaches it's decision. How many of them have even looked at a PIP or any benefit form? I know I'm being a bit unfair because there are MPs who genuinely care and some have relatives who go through this (but then so did Keir Stammer with his mum and brother)
I'm just so wrung out right now, as I'm sure everyone on this forum is. If anyone needs a chat or vent, feel free to just reply and I'll try to help, I know how scary it is for everyone here.
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that’s good news to hear thank you . Any idea how this will take especially if it goes to court.
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It's got the point where I'm asking this question, is CPTSD or PTSD seen as a incapacitating mental illness?
Britain is the only country in Western Europe doing all of this making a joke out of mental illness. I think the UN need a serious discussion with Britain in how it perceives mental illness.
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you flatter me 😘
In all seriousness as other members will tell you I’ve made many a suggestion of how incapacity welfare could be reformed but some members called me out for being discriminatory in terms of fairness
I do try my best working on my empathy but my autism makes me a very black and white thinker
Autistic ppl are like sponges (not just in childhood) and I was very fortunate in the area which I grew up and the locals I got to know.
I do understand that the treasury needs to balance the books and yes the sharp rise of incapacity claimants is concerning and needs to be looked into further. (Though the gov is ignoring that a pandemic wrecked the nations health (both via new disabilities and many people first taste of mental health issues) as well as cost of living and the gov didn’t invest in more gp and mental health services to tackle that rise - the last gov are hugely responsible for this mess and this gov are ignoring the original source)
I also think the gov official definition of ‘disability’ is too open and that is causing (if all levels of mental health are classed as disability that would include 50-90% of the uk population and if everyone with a mental health issue could potentially qualify for incapacity benefits it would crash the uk economy)
If only 100k ppl were claiming highest level incapacity benefits then these reforms would not be happening because there’d be no financial need
But at the same time the gov refuses to address the major reasons why the amount of disabled have grown and aiming to cut 1m pip awards is ludicrous (1-2% of total pip claimants is more realistic and ‘fair’)
The reason I’ve set aside my own personal idealisms these past few months on ‘fairness’ is that the gov haven’t been playing fair since getting in power using media for the past 9 months selling an image of disabled that aided their future agenda pitch (which has endangered disabled in uk society as a result - sadly I got some bruises over the holiday season due to not looking disabled that made me learn the hard way) - I can’t offer fairness if I’m not being offered it back and right now this Labour gov aren’t playing by the rules so they don’t deserve my understanding
Hence why I’m currently very much team disabled rather dipping my toes between both sides
(I went off at a bit of a tangent there- sorry all)1 -
Wasn't sure where to start with this one. I'll start with what my lovely, late mum would have said: "I think they're trying it on".
I'm going to email Scopes' Mr James Taylor, Executive Director for Strategy, Impact and Social Change tomorrow to share what I have found/seek Scopes' opinion.
I've been scrutinising the Equality Act 2010; also the 'Guidance on Matters to be taken into account in Determining Questions relating to the Definition of Disability'.
The Guidance I mention above is an extremely helpful, relatively straightforward read - in terms of its explanation and examples of physical disabilities and also mental disabilities. (All on GOV.UK). I VERY HIGHLY recommend you take a look; even if it proves fruitless in terms of no breach of the EA, it is still possibly of interest to those of us struggling with disabilities.
There is also the National Strategy for Autistic Children, Young People and Adults 2021 to 2026 published in July 2021 - I have not read this one.
I was looking through to find more information on PSED (Public Sector Equality Duty) which does apply to Government too.
Depending what is announced on Tuesday, I suspect there may be discrimination under the EA 2010 by the Government. I cannot believe I can be the only one checking this - peeps with far, far greater intellect than I will definitely be doing so; or, they might already know with their greater wisdom it won't/can't be applied to Government.
I found something of particular interest relating to UC, I don't think it's wise to state here/show cards - not I don't mean to you lovely people but you don't know who's reading. If when I've passed it by Scope it's not an angle that can be pursued happy to share it but of course, it won't be of use 😉
I am NO legal eagle; I've worked in contract law and employment law only so definitely no specialist. I am, however - for good or bad - very forensic in my thinking and like a dog with a bone; like a dog I might be barking up the wrong tree but IF the Government can be held account for discrimination then I intend to see that happen.
I assume that because Starmer is a top lawyer they wouldn't dare breach Equality law. What I've also learned in my 61 years is Never Assume.
I'll end with a quote from the Guidance: 'In determining a question as to whether a person meets the definition of disability it is important to consider the things that a person cannot do or can only do with difficulty'.
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Very true!…when you have cfs & fibro, youre stuck in that quagmire of more exercise triggers the cfs, and vis-versa.. Its a nasty nasty trap!
I was diagnosed in 2011 by a Rheumatologist, who on paper said i am(at that time) right down the middle for both illnesses.
The awful aspect of this condition is the fact that in the summer when im at my base-level of 75-80% pain..(its never gone lower in 14yrs) I'll attempt to do something in the garden, and anyone looking at me would think I'm physically able & fit; but they never see the seizing of the muscles and doms hrs after and the proceeding days., unless they see me shuffling to my bin when i can.
I'm sure you also have many debilitating co-morbid conditions that come along with these issues( though i have always been a migraineur since 13 , also c5-6 spinal stenosis-cluster headaches(oxygen tank) trigeminal/occipital neuralgia.
I'll just mention this quick: When i first applied, i'd heard so many negative views regarding fibro and me/cfs…but the sheer fact that i spent 3 weeks in St Thomas', have tried every procedure they have offered, to attempt to get better and well (its simply not worked).. plus PIP contacting the hospital and having a very lengthy chat really helped my position, as it was all based on facts and no hyperbole..Now we're facing all these benefits changes and i just dont know what more i can show them..Unless they come to live with me for a week, maybe then they can see without any doubts.
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I think that many autistic ppl on the higher functioning end are like high end graphics computers but with no inbuilt fan (so frequent overheating and crashing)
Some of the most intelligent ppl in history had disabilities or major mental health illnesses that impacted their ability to function
If there was more understanding and support and less dismissal in the world the human population may be developmentally 50yrs ahead of where it is now
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I think it is to the usual standard. CPI was only 1.7% in September which is very bad luck, as its the lowest month for the entire year, but using Sept is normal for the DWP uplifts.
Pensions have the triple lock which means they always get the highest of earnings growth, 2.5% or CPI, earnings was the highest at 4.1% thats why they got 4.1%.
So my £8.70 is actually too high for the 2025/2026 uprate. If I redo the maths for 1.7% it becomes, £4.94 every 4 weeks or £1.24 (rounded up 1.235p) per week.
A double enhanced award at 1.7% is an extra £12.50 per 4 weeks or £3.13 per week, so yes I think £5 is too high, I am not sure what happened in your calculations. I guess you based it on higher historical inflation and enhanced awards.0 -
s are the worst. Last for days . Sciatica, cramps which no Dr found a reason for . All different types of pain in different areas . It sounds like St Thomas’s is a lot better than The Royal Free. They gave me therapy, once it didn’t work they forget about you . Apart from muscle relaxants and painkillers I’m left to it
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I find it interesting as apparently the people doing the random means testing UC reviews are remote workers, which is why it uses an upload system, so my first thought after learning that was to look for these jobs, but yep, they not advertised which of course is no surprise.