problrmatic relationship beliefs
basically, i internalised a lot of problematic stuff regarding relationships from a young age, namely that: - getting a relationship is the only way i'll be able to progress socially in society - getting a relationship is the only way i'll be able to get a reliable carer who can help me out with my disability related…
What do you think about Myself exploring a one different dating app called Badoo and has also been a
The other guys that saw on Facebook didn't bother with texting or reply. Was called blendr but that one app got shut down worldwide and look for was simars and has found an app called Badoo by the same owner of last apps. I match with some guys. been texting to see which one will work the best and wait and see where is…
Check out our new dating and sex tips
With Valentine's Day upon us, we thought it a good time to revamp our dating and sex tips page, with fresh contributions from community members and from community sex and relationships expert Gill. Here's a taster: "1. Don't be afraid to explore 'This doesn’t need to be with someone else, and is open to all kinds of…
How would you think of me about that I did try Facebook dating and was a bit more successful but the
Hi, My name is Katie and my experience with real life dating and online dating. Real life dating wasn't going very well. I also did try to approach guys, but not did get rejected more than once. That why I tried different dating site and disabled site. That didn't end deleting. Part from one dating sites that was on…
Why do I seem to be more attracted to guys who share characteristics with Autism but can't find any
I have been in previous relationships with different types of men. Some of the traits that I like to see in a man are: humble, trustworth,trusting,asking questions if you don't know the answer . Be respectful. I dislike guys that talk about their ex girlfriends,blaming trust isuse, controlling,verbal abusers, and cheaters…
helo i have been trying to find someone dont care about age just a number i have eplisey bone and muscle disorder but well layed back but its hard when your disabled
What can I do if I wanted a relationship but can only find guys with similar interest through online
I am a woman aged 24 and always have a struggle with finding people with common interest in real life and with my experience with dating and previous relationship in real. Some were decent, but some were more on bad experience with some relationship. They all now are ex boyfriends now. I also have tried some dating sites…
Why wouldn't a guy be willing to make an effort to always miss each video that I send a text to tha
. I am guessing that he not interested in having a relationship, but I sent the last text that I sent was I am not interested in having a relationship with you. I did move on to a new guy that I also found on Facebook dating. That also has a learning disability. My experience with relationships and dating hasn't been very…
My experince with dating and some relationship.
I had more bad experiences with previous partners. Some of previous partner did cheat. Some previous partner did become toxic. My previous relationship always has ended up with the breakup. Online dating matches also got hit or missed. Some guys were lazy about making no effort. In addition, I found more than one person…
Which one is the simpler online dating site, disabled online dating or online dating sites?
My first experience with disabled dating was by far the worst. There were far too many older men who were not in my age range who kept messaging me on some disabled dating site. Some disabled dating sites require you to pay to message someone. It was difficult for me to delete my account from one of the disabled dating…
why is it so hard to find a boyfriend or a dating agency
i would love all your opinions on why us disabled people cant find proper decent people or why is there no dating agency in Kent anymore I'm finding it so hard would love to talk to you all this is my first convo
Did I do the right thing?
Long story short, I recently had to end a friendship that meant the world to me. My friend is married and I am single, there is no sexual attraction between us but she was the first ever genuine friend I had, I didn't have a very good childhood due to being bullied because of my disability and it has emotional scarred me,…
couldn't find single guys in real life, so I started using dating websites instead?
Large to medium in size is my town. My hometown produced several of my ex-boyfriends, while others I met in college were from far-off towns or places. College was the worst place to date, thus none of my relationships there lasted. As a result, there were splits. I tried going to group social gatherings and then tried…
Hello My partner has just walked away from our relationship after 15 yearsAll because we couldn't have normal sex. Due to my illness COPD and Tumer in my lungs leaves me breathless, now I'm on my own and finding it hard to cope with everyday chores.
Hello Dorota from Sweden
Hello it’s difficult to find someone specially if you are gay or lesbian like I am I would love to have a girlfriend because there’s only one thing missing in my life a girlfriend. I have really nice kids they are living on their own I have a nice job that I love but no girlfriend yet :) wishing you a very nice day 🌺 if…
ED and fantasies
Hi I am a carer, i have several chronic illnesses/disabilities which could
prevent erectile function and suffer from fatigue.I am also in my late 50's,
taking 10mg of tadalafil daily, I always liked sex and needed sex a stress
relief, but now I can not get an erection unless I have sexual fantasies about
my wife having sex…
Wheelchair Suggestion
Hi, Hi, few days ago my friend's called me and asked for a wheelchair. When I asked what happened, he said my grandpa got injured, so, please advise me a good wheelchair suggestion. I read some articles and reviews and choose an electric wheelchair. However we did not take the final decision. This is why I'm commenting…
serious issues regarding dating, sex and relationships
im feeling brave and will make this post as some of you may offer me advice or help or just nice comments to support me or praise me for saying this sort of publically, im now 40 and known im gay ever since school, had a few 1 off experiences but never actually had a boyfreind, and not had any form of contact what so ever…
Why are long-term relationships so hard to find, even though you want one in real life, yet you were
I haven't had much luck really meeting guys who share my interests. Most of the guys I did meet were either not interested in relationships or had girlfriends. That puts me off. I'm not a fan of tall guys. On shorter, I am. Other guys I did meet included my ex-boyfriend in person. My own knowledge of certain online dating.…
Struggling with my own health amd partner constantly complaining
Hi all, i have IBD as well as fibromyalgia and at the moment im really suffering with inflamed joints, severe stomach pain and fatigue. Ive had IBD for over 20 years and had a rough time of things in the last 3 years. I got with my partner who was physically healthy when we met but now has a back problem that requires…