UC and Back payment
Good evening I hope someone can help me, I am very confused and sick with worry. I have been receiving joint couple UC for a few years and I have a child who is receiving Higher rate of DLA, I was unaware that i had to inform UC of my child's DLA. During that time I suffered a mental breakdown due to many reasons and I was…
LCWRA & work
Hi, I’m after some advice , I’m currently on universal credit & getting the LCWRA element , am I able to work while receiving LCWRA and if so how many hours can I work or what amount can I earn without losing my LCWRA or am I not allowed to work at all , I also get pip ( not sure if that makes any difference) thanks in…
Change of income
Good afternoon Sorry me again, just looked on my journal to try and change other income, my partners small pension has increased by £4 a month…yes a whole £4! I go to report a change and all i see is work and earnings….and it says date worked changed…thats not what need to change…any help please Sean
Limited commitments despite fit for work?
I am aware that a work coach can limit the commitments expected of a claimant due to health reasons pending a WCA. But what if a WCA finds somebody fit to work? Does a work coach still have discretion to indefinitely retain the reduced/limited commitments despite the WCA decision? And is there a minimum earnings threshold…
WCA Medical Report Form
I have recently been awarded LCWRA and i requested a copy of my assessment medical report form, mainly to see what points i scored in specific descriptors and/or if i qualified under substantial risk. For whatever reason that's what i thought the form would give specific details about, but it doesn't. Firstly, the assessor…
Lcw to lcwra
hello all I need some help I’m currently on lcw and was told not to send any fit notes and have applied for Lcwra in 2022 had been sending fit notes then I contacted them about Lcwra and they said it would be arranged for me to have a assessment so waited a whole year and the end of 2023 I contacted them asking about the…
Confusing question on to-do list
I'm new to the forums here, so hello to everyone – this has been a hugely useful resource for me and my partner. We have recently been navigating the process of Managed Migration from WTC to UC, with help from benefits advisers from Scope and CAB. My partner is in the Support Group for contribution-based ESA. She is…
Universal Credit
My son is 19 in September. He is in receipt of PIP. I've recently been sent a letter informing me that my Tax Credits will soon be moved over to Universal Credit. I need to notify them by 28th July if I wish to claim. I'm a single Mum. I do work part time whilst my son attends college. He has been accepted onto the…
LHA Extra Bedroom Disability Backdated?
I have a question regarding the LHA (Local Housing Allowance) extra room for individuals with disabilities. I recently applied for this allowance as it appeared in my UC account to do list, due to my disability and was awarded it. I'm unsure if it can be backdated they asked me when I signed up how long have I needed extra…
Hi, my name is debzz72! Lost transitional protection
hello everyone I have a couple of questions I would like to ask the group
Lcwra and self employed
Hi, im currently receiving UC and LCWRA. I would like to do some jobs from home and earn some extra income. I read informations available online and would like to ask few questions. Do I just register as self employed and informa UC on my online account that I did it or should I contact them first? Is there anyone else…
UC review as under 18
hi my daughter 17 and gets UC due to her mental health and has limited capability but not work activities.. she didn’t get paid on the 10th June and there was no statement. I rang them and they finally told me it’s under review, she needs her payment for bits and bobs and what she owes out. They have just put in her…
Hi, my name is tinao! Do people on LCWRA still have to have reviews?
SO iv been told by the enhanced review team I have to have a review is this possible when I have lwrcra
I have LCW , What happens leave my job
I currently have LCW and PIP and on universal credit. I have long term back pain, arthritis as well other health issues. If am currently off sick and have been so for 9 months. I have been there 5 years, even with reasonable adjustments in place, I was still in pain and regulary off sick. My work place wanted to know if I…
Hi, my name is Arceus77! when will first LCWRA payment be ?
hello I’m new to ask a question when will my first LCWRA payment be. I handed in fit note 8th march 2024 Fit note accepted on journal on 13th march 2024 Posted questionnaire on the 18th march 2024 I was awarded LCWRA on 21st May 2024 my medical evidence was strong enough that I did not need any phone call assessment or…
Carers Element Backpay
Hi I’ve add decision letter confirming my Carers Element will be backdated. Does anyone know how long before I’ll receive this please?
Managed migration - start up period - wca
Hi everyone. I am soon to apply for UC having received my migration letter. I receive DLA and WTC and able to do some self-employed work when symptoms allow, have some ok days/weeks, and some severely bad days/weeks where I cant work at all, but on average I work around 15hrs pw if looked over a year or so. When I work I…
Hi, my name is lilalemaria3!
Hello , if i am a carer can i take often my disable child to trip outside uk ,in ireland? I don t have work commitemenrs being her carer. I didn t know that i have to inform uc that i was in holiday up to 27 days , i knew that after a month you have to tell them about holiday. And after 2 weeks of comimg back i have been…
Receiving pip and claiming UC as lost full time job
Any advise for a friend please, she lost her job as the company moved and she was under a 6 month trial period, the company used that to finish her employment, she now receives high mobility and standard care pip since last claimed UC, she has one dependant child and pays a mortgage. Cannot fathom how to add pip to details…
Note in my journal?
hi, I received a note in my journal this morning as follows: Good Morning “You will receive a letter in the post inviting you for an interview. Please do not ignore this. Full contact details are in the letter.” does anyone know what this interview is going to be for? I work so I doubt it’s to do with work coach, I have…