Mobility Car deposit question.
Hi there, First time caller. My partner has just received a letter extending her PIP review until March '26. She was due to renew her lease next month (if it were to carry on). If she orders a new car, do we get the deposit back (pro rata) if the review eventually turns her down? Thank You. (in advance)
Pip not granted on a pack of lies
just been rejected for pip and it’s been on a complete pack of lies of things that I didn’t say at all. I’m devastated and feel so hurt as I thought the woman was being nice but why did I think that when it’s the DWP. I feel so sad and deflated
Pip backpay and dwp debt
Last week I was awarded an increase in my pip I am owed roughly a year of enhanced daily living. I had the assessment letter saying what I'll get and when. I phoned today about the backpay and they said that it was going to be sent to debt management. I owe them roughly £500. I'm just wondering when I can expect the…
Possible new claim for DLA
Hi - does anyone know if I should put in for DLA for my 3 year old? He is non-speaking/non-verbal and after his appointment with the pediatrician, he has been diagnosed with being on the spectrum (awaiting the formal report - followed up today and the sent it out in the port today). He has other needs daily night and day…
Absolutely fed up with dwp
From a bad assessment to the response I get when I ring, un delivered mail from 4 weeks ago still not arrived, SAR delivered with the last assessment missing and no one can give me any answers! The assessor in my case advised me to apply for a Blue badge, the rest of the report was an absolute joke, yes the complaint is in…
Vehicle tax exceptions
A friend recently been awarded high rate mobili4y session and sent vehicle tax exception letter just wanted to know as the only while available to her while being driven to appointments errand groups etc can she apply for the tax exception even rhough it's a van and not a car. It's the only vehicle in household. And use to…
Hi, my name is Xcharlie! My son was asked to apply for pip when he turned 16 as he was on DLA...
Hi, My son was asked to apply for pip when he turned 16 as he was on DLA, his claim for pip was accepted and rate increased 10 months ago, but due to human error his pip was not actioned and his DLA still stayed in payment for the last 10 months, PIP have now said they awarded him a higher rate in April last year but they…
Hi, my name is sdavies25! hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 ...
hi I had a phone assessment on the 30/1/25 I called today 5/1/25 to request a copy of my report but the lady on the phone said it’s been sent back to the assessor could anyone tell me why that’s happened and if it’s good or bad? I suffer from bpd/adha/anxiety/depression and the stress of all this process is making me so…
Pip health change
hi everyone im on pip for my mobility but ive recently been put on blood pressure medication is this something i need to update them about? If so what happens then. my current pip award runs until 2028. this medication has not made my arthritis better or worse.
Applied for pip and been weeks since last messaged
Hi I applied for pip and had a message to say my application was with a medical expert, it’s been over 3 weeks since I received the message I’m very anxious as I’m overthinking if this is a good or bad thing has anyone been in a similar situation and how long roughly did you wait for an outcome? Many thanks
M.E. / C.F.S. and PIP - don't be discouraged!
As a new comer to the forum, I wanted to contribute something positive, encouraging and hopefully helpful. While what follows is primarily addressed to those thinking about applying for PIP with M.E., I hope it maybe more generally useful to others. Having helped my disabled partner apply for DLA and then transition to PIP…
PIP car tax 50% reduction
Our car is in my wifes name and she uses it to go to work etc. I am a named driver. I get standard mobility. Can somebody confirm if I claim the 50% she cannot use it for her own use anymore? The DVLA states that the 100% discount for enhanced mobility the car can only be used by or for the claimant BUT does not state the…
Advice if you know please
I got my decision , not enough points so I’m asking for a MR. In the letter I got one of the questions I never got points for mental Health ( I did for physical issue just short of 2 points ) I was awarded 0 points as there wasn’t a diagnosis strong enough to award it. mental health distress . Am I wrong that pip is not…
Hi guys I'm new to my child getting dla, she got her back pay on 6 12 24, jus wondering when the next lot will go into my account? Will it be a Friday again. Does it fall on the same day as everyone else or is it different days like pip?
50% discount off vehicle road tax
Hello, Last March 2024 I was entitled to the 50% discount for my car road tax, and I was told by Dvla I had to send a cheque for the full amount (12 months) for my vehicle road tax, a copy of my PIP award letter showing I get standard rate mobility, which I did and I was then sent a refund for 50% of the total cost back…
Hi, my name is charlea! I've finally got a text yesterday of PIP saying review completed...
Hi I've finally got a text yesterday of PIP saying review completed. Now have to wait for decision letter. I've rang the payment line yesterday and today. It told me the amount and next payment date. Is this right so have they decided to keep my PIP. So anxious having to wait for the letter. My anxiety is through the roof…
Hi, my name is trish1963! I have pip phone call and v v worried about it...
Hi all. I suffer extreme anxiety and depression, on olanzapine, propanol and mirtazapine. Finally I applied for pip as I need help with remembering to taking meds, eat and not break down. I have pip phone call and v v worried about it,
Re determination
Hi cam anyone help, my citizens advice helper asked for a re determination about my award and now they have took everything off me, he never advised me this could happen what do I do now. If anyone has appealed from re determination have they won. I am so upset as didn't know they could do this. Thank you.
Hi. I am a carer for my husband and also pay the Local Authority for carers to attend 4 times a day.
Can I just appeal mobility rate for DLA?
Good morning, I need help regarding DLa mandatory reconsideration. My Son has ASD/Adhd. He got high rate on care and low rate mobility .we want reconsideration on mobility, but I read on line they will reconsider whole again .and might be they put low in both criteria or refuse too. Can I ask for look only mobility rate?