UC review, did not declare credit union, what do I do?
hello I am worried about uc review I have never had over 6k in my bank .but when I signed up a don't think I put an ammount for my accounts and did not declare my credit union what do I do I am so worried
Can't find my original post?
Sorry, I'm new here. I can't find my original post? I had many messages. I can't find it.
Awarded LCWRA, when will I have claimant commitment review?
I have been awarded LCWRA in November 2024. When my first claiment commitment review (in which DWP asked to submit four months bank statements) is expected to be held. Generally how many months after awarding Lcwra this type of review takes place. Please let me know if anybody has this type of knowledge
Hello all If you get a letter from UC on my Journal and at the bottom of the letter it says send a reply do I send a message to the reply….or do I send a message were it says Journal Thx
Phone interview problem understanding
My daughter has autism, anxiety, depression and other..A month ago had the 4 banks statement phone call..To be told her citizen card is not correct ID they would get back to her .No passport or driving licence yet in the ID list ID card..Yesterday email etc a phone appointment Fri.. Then recieved a phone call as she was…
Hi, my name is daisey84! When will i get LCWRA payments?
hi is any one available to try give me some advice please about LCWRA
Work contract finishes in a weeks time, carer
hi there my notice period finishes next Wednesday 11th with work and I will then be classed as unemployed. do I need to inform universal credit of this as I am the main carer for my daughter and have no work commitments? Thank you
UC loan £348
Can u pay my university credit loan online please and get new university credit loan 348 again
I receive lcwra , I still have a job that I am supplying fit notes for as I am waiting for heart surgery , hubby gets state pension and we get some HB , my question is I am owed holiday pay from last year HR have said I can pause my fit note and take my holiday, about 12 days , will I just lose any uc in that ap then will…
WCA Telephone appointment next week, what should I expect?
Hello, So I called last week to see how my UC50 is progressing (I hadn't heard anything for ages and I was terrified it got lost) they received it on 12/10/24 (10 days after I posted it) and they made a WCA telephone appointment for me for next week (26/11/24). I don't really know what to expect, would it be like a PIP…
Been paid the wrong disability element, will they backdate?
hi, I went on universal credit for the first time in July 2023, I took all my paper work in and told them my daughter gets DLA high care needs, they applied the disability element the low one I only realised she should of been on the high disability element 2 weeks ago, and they have corrected it now but have a decision…
About rewarded LWCRA
hi all on Friday I have been awarded lwcra I started my assignment and sent a sick note in march I have been told to day my lwcra started Friday and I will not be having a back pay and I will also receive my first payment In march? I’m very confused as my mental illness did not start Friday and have been ongoing for a few…
How long to hear back or get a reply after they receive my form
I was on low and I have returned my reassessment for back 2 months ago enjoy heard anything how long does a reply take they have received my form
hi , does anyone know what actually happens next , I had a work capability appointment back in 2021 , I was awarded lwc for a year , since that time I was then awarded pip , and since then been diagnosed with bipolar on top of other disability’s , after the year was up I had not heard anything from universal credit until…
I need advice
I have been on universal credit for 12 months and i am self employed. I have been told by the job centre I don't earn enough from my self employment and need to get a job. I know I won't be able to cope with working for someone else. I have quite a few disabilities. I also have hydrocephalus which makes it hard to do work…
Working on UC, will they tell me to pay my own rent?
hi I was wondering I’m trying to get into a job, especially a remote job because of my disability but I don’t really know how it all works with the job and uc currently I live by myself universal credit pays my rent but when I get into work I’m trying to find a full time remote job will uc tell me to pay my own rent?
Won tribunal but no update from UC, can anybody advise?
Hi.im new here can anybody help.i took the dwp to court over a lcw decision as I knew I should be in the lcwwra group instead it took 9 months and I won the tribunal I've heard from the court but nothing from uc at all they said on my journal it's up to a decision maker now and there's no timescale it's so frustrating…
Hi can anyone help please with this dilemma we have ? both myself and husband claim uc as a joint claim, I also get lcwra , we received a note on our journal yesterday saying we need to have a claim review, we need 4 months of bank statements and photo I'd, I am absolutely worried sick because both my brother in law & mum…
Universal Credit review ( bank statement)
hello everyone. Today I received’to do list ‘ notification. Basically I need to provide 4 months bank statement for my UC review. My question is: is money from friend £50 here £100 another time is classed as income?
Uc inability to work
hi, I received a letter about a face to face assessment regarding my inability to work before i had even got to send off for my uc 50. I have now attended said face to face assessment, how long usually till i get a response? And it seems most people wait weeks after only after sending off their uc50 for a face to face…